Little Penguin Quilts Through the Year

Little Penguin Quilts Through the Year

Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Midweek Update

Despite my best intentions, I haven't had a chance to do much sewing this week.  On Monday I hosted my book club, which is always an enjoyable afternoon, but no sewing.  

Today (Tuesday) I ended up spending several hours in the ER with my dear husband, and that is never fun!  Fortunately, he is okay and we got some helpful information from the ER doc.  They sent him home with pain meds and orders to drink only clear liquids until tomorrow morning, and right now he is feeling much better. 

Over the weekend I did have a chance to get started on the next block for the Pieces of My Life QAL from Melva Loves Scraps.  There were several pieces and parts to cut and sew, and most are now ready to make the final block.  This block is called Wedding Ring.

You can see that I have those two corner square-in-a-square pieces left to finish up, 
and then the whole block goes together like a nine patch.
I have taken my time making those pieces because I really want them to measure 
4.5 inches exactly! 

Melva has also released the directions for putting together the next section of the quilt in quilt-as-you-go format, so that is on my list to work on this week, too.

Some orange hollow nine patch blocks are also in the works.  These are hand-pieced, so I've stitched on them in the evenings.  It's always nice to have some handwork to do when you can't get to the sewing machine!

Hopefully the rest of the week will be more back to normal, and I can make some progress on Pieces of My Life block and quilting!

Sharing at Quiltfabrication for Midweek Makers.

11 comments: said...

Going to the ER is never fun! Glad your sweetie is going to feel much better soon! I sure like your wedding block.

Melisa- pinkernpunkinquilting said...

I hope your DH is feeling better , Diann and I wish him a speedy recovery. Your blocks are looking amazing. I love the coral colored fabric that you are using in Melva's block. It goes great with the pretty print. I wish you a good week. Happy quilting. Hugs

Anonymous said...

I hope your husband recovers quickly. Sounds like he was well cared for at the ER.
Neat wedding ring block! Always fun to see your colourful scraps each month. Gail at the cozy quilter.

Kate said...

Emergency room visits are never fun. Good to hear he is doing much better after the visit. If I want accurate square in a square, I paper piece them, though going with oversized triangles works too. Both orange blocks are looking good.

Linda said...

Poor Mike, I'm sure that was an anxious time for both of you! Hope he is well on the way to feeling much better.
Love your orange blocks. Good luck on the 4.5" accuracy, I've struggled with accurate finishes lately.
Were there cookies for the book club? :D

Nann said...

Glad Mike is okay. Now, to follow the dr.'s instructions! I have found that the Square Squared ruler by Studio 180 is the best for SIS units like the corners of the Wedding Ring block. What book did your group discuss this month?

Vicki in MN said...

I hope your hubby is still feeling better today. Happy sewing for the rest of the week:)

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

poor Mike hate having to go to the ER hope all will now be well. sounds like a fun group for the book club, that is one thing I have never joined and wouldn't even know how to find one here. what book are you all reading? I have seen that wedding ring block somewhere - the squares form a ring right?

grammajudyb said...

Well phooey on the ER visit! Hope that was the end of that! Get better, Mr. Little Penguin! Love all your oranges! The Wedding block is interesting. Of course, I love the Hollow 9’s. Here’s to more time at your machine! 🤞

Melva said...

In sickness and in health... I'm sure you were both relieved to get home and be on the mend. I like the orange for the ring. Prayers for a better end to the week.

Jeanna said...

I hope your husband is ok and feeling much better. You have made some nice progress on your projects this week.