I've been continuing to work on some needle turn applique with these tulip blocks designed by Audrey at Quilty Folk. I've stitched up three so far!
Little Penguin Quilts Through the Year

Saturday, January 30, 2021
Slow Stitching this week
Friday, January 29, 2021
The End of January
I used my pink sewing time this week to pull out a UFO and move it forward. I started making these Bright Hopes blocks in 2019, and then stored them away in a project box and barely touched them in 2020. It was time to use them for something!
These are made using scraps of low volume prints with a white background, plus pink and aqua. They make a sweet combination! I had previously made 48 of these 6.5 inch blocks, and decided that if I made one more, there would be 49 for a 7 x 7 layout.
This was an easy group of blocks to use the webbing technique on for sewing the blocks and then rows together, so I took one afternoon to do that.
I spy a penguin in pink!
It didn't take long to have the quilt top completely sewn together.
This measures 42 inches square, which is the size that Little Lambs of Utah are looking for in this year's Hands2Help quilt drive, so I'll finish it up for a donation to that group.
And in other scrappy pink sewing this month, I finished up a placemat, quilted the Rainbow Zigzags, hand-pieced two scrappy trips blocks, got started on the Rainbow Scrap Challenge 2021 Sampler with some hashtag blocks, and made some Easy Breezy and Wonky Star blocks in pink.
Thursday, January 28, 2021
Stay at Home Round Robin - round two!
Mondays are an exciting day if, like me, you're participating in the Stay at Home Round Robin QAL. That's the day the guest hosts share the next border idea that we'll be working on for the week. You can see the latest round robin designs that participants have been working on over at The Darling Dogwood.
So this week's border idea prompt was Plus Sign blocks. I started with four 3 inch finished blocks.
Wednesday, January 27, 2021
I Like Thursday #220
Monday, January 25, 2021
To-Do Tuesday #74: A finish and a funny
Good morning! I'm checking in today with my weekly to-do list and linking up with Roseanne and friends for the To-Do Tuesday linky party at Home Sewn By Us.
It's been a good week of getting things done for me. I did finish the Rainbow Zigzag quilt, and you can read my finished post and see photos HERE. There was one more to-do to be done with that quilt, and that was to package it up and take to my friend, Holly. Here it is, just about ready to go for a little ride!
- Work on the plus blocks/round two of the SAHRR project - I have an idea for it, just need to work out the quilty math!
- Choose a UFO to move forward - probably a set of blocks that will be sewn into a quilt top.
- I just signed up for a blog hop in March. I know what I want to do for it, so it's time to get started on that!
Friday, January 22, 2021
Playing with Pink
It's always a great feeling to finish up a quilt, which I did this week, because then it frees me up to play with other projects. See the finished Rainbow Zigzags in my Friday post. After I got it to the binding stage, I was able to spend some sewing machine time playing with pink scraps.
Although this isn't a scrappy project yet, it does have some pink in it - my Stay at Home Round Robin center block and the first round - a piano key border. My quilty math for the piano keys was a little bit off, but I'm going with it because I actually like the look of a few of the strips being a bit narrower. This now measures 12.5 inches square.
Thursday, January 21, 2021
A Friday Finish - Finally!
I'm excited to share that I finished Rainbow Zigzags up this week. I started on this quilt in February of 2020 as a Rainbow Scrap Challenge project with a few orange and green 4.5 inch half square triangles.
Wednesday, January 20, 2021
I Like Thursday #219
Good morning, friends! Technically it's "I Like Thursday," but this week I'm changing it to "I Like Wednesday!" I liked Wednesday because I liked watching and experiencing the inauguration of President Joseph Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris. I'm ready for our country to turn over to a new chapter, one of hope and healing.
I especially liked the poem written and recited by the young poet, Amanda Gorman, "The Hill We Climb."
Monday, January 18, 2021
To-Do Tuesday #73
- Finish that last bit of binding on the Zigzags and write up a finished post.
- Keep working on Stitches from the Heart.
- Work on the first round of the Stay at Home Round Robin - it's piano keys! See Chrisknitssews' post about that here.
- And one more thing on the list - add some blocks to one of my Rainbow Scrap Challenge projects - Easy Breezy/Wonky Stars
Sunday, January 17, 2021
Stay at Home Round Robin
The Stay at Home Round Robin captured my attention when I started to see that several bloggers who I follow were going to be co-hosts. The main information page for this QAL can be found here at QuiltingGail. It sounded like a fun and different project to work on and I decided to join in!
Friday, January 15, 2021
Weekend Plans
I've been a good girl this week and stuck with my plan to get Rainbow Zigzags quilted. Lots of scraps were used in the construction of this quilt!
Wednesday, January 13, 2021
I Like Thursday #218
Last Saturday Mike and I celebrated our 45th anniversary! It's always hard to believe another year has gone by - and hasn't this been quite the year?! It's a good thing we like spending a lot of time together... 😉
Here we are on January 9, 1976.
Monday, January 11, 2021
To-Do Tuesday #72
Good morning, friends! I'm checking in today with my weekly to-do list and linking up with Roseanne and friends for the To-Do Tuesday linky party at Home Sewn By Us.
Last week, I made it my one and only goal for the week to get Rainbow Zigzags prepped and ready for quilting, and I did it! Layering and basting is always a big mountain to climb for me, so it makes me happy to get that step of quilt construction completed. I have quilted 4 of the 9 rows so far this week, so not quite half finished.
- I'm making a bunch of tiny HSTs for a Valentine project. I've made 24 so far, and need something like 55 total. So I'll keep working on those.
- I've been planning to join in with the "Stay at Home Round Robin" QAL and need to make my center block. I'm just waiting on a fabric package delivery which the post office has been very slow on. Hopefully that will show up this week!