Happy Halloween! I've decorated as much as I'm going to.
Little Penguin Quilts Through the Year

Wednesday, October 30, 2024
I Like Thursday #412
Tuesday, October 29, 2024
Midweek Update: a Finish!
I had a "Drop Everything and Make It" project this month, and it is finished! I always enjoy Carole's (From My Carolina Home) fall projects and this year's was no exception. Her plan was for a mini quilt/wall-hanging/table-topper that was fall and Thanksgiving themed and that hooked me right in. While hunting around for fabric in my stash for this project, I came across a half yard of a sunflower print that I purchased on vacation in August and decided to use it as the focus fabric.
Saturday, October 26, 2024
Slow stitching this week...
There are a few days left in October, so perfect for stitching up this little Pumpkin Basket!
Friday, October 25, 2024
Tablescraps for October
Can you guess what these are?
Wednesday, October 23, 2024
I Like Thursday #411
I voted! So thankful that we have this right in our country.
Tuesday, October 22, 2024
Midweek Update
Block 20 for the Pieces of My Life QAL over at Melva Loves Scraps is out now, so it was time to sew it up! This is a Broken Dishes block, made completely of half square triangles, and I really like it! In fact, I was thinking it might make a good Rainbow Scrap Challenge block, with the dark triangles (in this block, they are a dark green) being something consistent throughout the whole quilt, and the monthly colors being the other triangles. I'll have to think about that!
- Boys collect lots of Legos.
- It hurts when you step on them!
- A dust pan is really good for picking up lots of Legos at one time.
- Don't give a little guy a full plate of spaghetti to carry from the kitchen to the dining room - you can guess what happens, lol!
- Sometimes the way to get a chore done is to trade one of yours for one of theirs. "I'll mow the lawn if you want to make dinner!"
- One of my proudest accomplishments as a mom is that I taught both boys to do their own laundry when they were each in about 7th grade. That worked out well!
Saturday, October 19, 2024
Fun with sunflowers!
The weather turned cold and gray here, but it's sunny in my sewing room! I started stitching on this sweet sunflower design on Friday evening. This is Melisa's August Doodle. It's going to work perfectly as the center for my version of the Fall Fortnight quilt project over at From My Carolina Home!
Friday, October 18, 2024
All the blocks are made!
There wasn't much left to be done, but for some reason it took me a few weeks to get around to it! What I'm referring to are the last two blocks for my Rainbow Scrap Challenge Patchwork Hearts project. But now they are finished! Here's the multi-color heart.
Wednesday, October 16, 2024
I Like Thursday #410
Do you read the comics in the newspaper? I have several that I enjoy every day, and one is "Pearls Before Swine." This one made me laugh because I, too, actually like the buttered popcorn Jelly Bellies!
Tuesday, October 15, 2024
Midweek Makers
My sewing brain seems to be pulled in multiple directions this week - all good, but lots to do! Carole, at From My Carolina Home, is hosting an event called Fall Fortnight over on her blog, and of course there is a little quilt project I can't resist. You can see the project at the link above.
Carole's version is Thanksgiving themed with appliqued wool pumpkins, but I ended up being inspired by some yardage of a sunflower print that I purchased back in August at a quilt shop over in Grand Junction, Colorado. The background will be the cream with gold stars that came in Nann's box of goodies a while back. Thank you, Nann!
Friday, October 11, 2024
Moving Along
The last time I shared the hand-pieced Hollow 9 patch project, I had sewn the blocks into four sections. That was at the end of August! This week I pulled those sections back out and stitched them together into a small flimsy - 24 inches square.
Wednesday, October 9, 2024
I Like Thursday #409
I've been baking again this week! After making all that applesauce over the weekend, I decided to see what I could make out of it, and found this recipe for Applesauce Cake. It is yummy! I substituted chocolate chips for the raisins - that works just fine. Interestingly, there are no eggs in this cake. Googling that, it turns out that applesauce can be a substitute for eggs! I'd never heard that before.
Tuesday, October 8, 2024
Midweek Makers
Block 19 for Melva's Pieces of My Life QAL is called Rough Road. Looking at the group of blocks that I've made so far, I decided I needed more red in this quilt, so that determined my fabric choices.