Little Penguin Quilts Through the Year

Little Penguin Quilts Through the Year

Wednesday, August 7, 2024

I Like Thursday #400

Wow, 400 I Like Thursday posts!  How did that happen?  LeeAnna started her Thursday posts back in fall of 2016, and I joined in after a few weeks.  Here's a link to my first post.

And I'm still liking things on Thursdays!   These little purple allyssum are making me smile in my front garden right now.  They are one of the few things I've grown from seed this year that the rabbits didn't eat!

I've been enjoying this book this week, recommended by a friend.  Such a sweet story!

I like getting happy mail - don't we all?!  Earlier this week I got a surprise box in the mail from Nann, who is a very generous quilter, blogger, and retired librarian.  It was full of goodies, and I will share them little by little, but of course, this caught my attention first!

Thank you, Nann!

I like when younger son has an idea for a meal, and he did over the weekend.  He wanted to try making his own tortillas.  

He made a carne asada marinade for some steak that we grilled and made steak tacos out of.  Yum!

LeeAnna's question of the week is about the Olympics.  Would we like to be part of the group of competitors, meeting people from all over the world, staying in the Olympic Village?  

I think it must be both exciting and stressful to be competing in the Olympics - something you've trained for your whole life!  I can't picture myself doing that because I'm not athletic in any way, but being a part of it would be quite an experience.  I do admire how the athletes support each other and are happy, no matter the results.  My one experience with traveling abroad and meeting people of other cultures was as an exchange student to France when I was in high school.   I learned and grew a lot during that time, and especially enjoying spending a week in Paris.

It would definitely be amazing to be there again for the Olympics - 
most likely as a spectator!

Joining in with I Like Thursday at Not Afraid of Color.


Kate said...

Home made tortillas are definitely worth it. Love the penguin fabric from Nann. Do you have a project picked for it?

Linda said...

Congratulations on 400 ILT posts! Those alyssums are so pretty, I've not tried growing them from seed. Love those little penguins. :) That carne asada meal looks yum! Did your son use a press to flatten the tortillas? I bought one, but it is hard to use, and so my grand plan to make fresh tortillas with our meals failed. Did he make corn or flour?

PaintedThread said...

My allyssum are doing well, too! I like your purple (mine are white). Those tacos look great (that's a pretty cool griddle, too!)

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

I have thought of making the tortillas but Mike is so picky he will say they aren't as good as the ones that come in a bag - really he would be like that. I think it is neat your son is doing some of the cooking now that he has moved back home.

Melisa- pinkernpunkinquilting said...

I always enjoy reading the "I Like " posts. 400 what a milestone. Mmm homemade tortillas sounds delicious. It is so wonderful that your dear son likes to cook. Enjoy your day, Diann. Hugs

Angela said...

Yum, those tortillas look good. Wow, 400 posts! Congrats!

grammajudyb said...

Yum! Homemade steak tacos! Happy Mail is always fun, but almost any mail these days is happy! Oh, except those political flyers! Ugh! And now I’ve learned another new thing about you! You were an exchange student ! How exciting! I took French in HS, but wasn’t very fluent. I’ve not traveled abroad. Only, Canada, Mexico, and the Caribbean! said...

The homemade tortillas looked delicious! I'm love with the penguin fabric from Nann!

Jeanna said...

You always have great "I Like" posts, Diann. I look forward to reading them each week. The allyssum are such a pretty color. Can't wait to see more of what Nann sent you. That was very sweet of her. The steak tacos sound yummy. I love how adventurous your son is with his cooking. It must have been exciting to be an exchange student in France. Exciting and brave!

piecefulwendy said...

Bet those homemade tortillas were so good! What fun to get happy mail, too! Cute fabric!