Little Penguin Quilts Through the Year

Little Penguin Quilts Through the Year

Saturday, August 3, 2024

Cool slow stitching...

It has been sunny, bright, and hot here every day for weeks, it seems.  We may get some relief from the heat about Wednesday or so - fingers crossed.  

Do you see that humidity, though.  18%!   
We're all hoping for some storms to bring in some moisture
 to help with fighting the wildfires.

I'll be inside this afternoon, stitching a cool blue sun which is the August section of the Woven Wreaths project.  I watched the video yesterday, so today I'm all set to get started!

Also this week, I stitched up the Sew Day Basket from Melisa at PinkernPunkin Quilting that I started last weekend.  This was a fun one - I chose the colors based on the thread spools and tools that I had sitting here on the table by my comfy chair.   Isn't this a fun one?  Now I have to decide how to finish it.

Linking up with Kathy's Quilts for Slow Sunday Stitching. 


Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

It sounds like we are all getting the same weather across the US! I'm not sure what the humidity level is here more than yours but very dry for this time of year I think it is about 40-45% in the daytime right now and then higher at night and in the mid-90's to high every day for over a week now - not pleasant for sure anything I want done outside needs to be done first thing in the morning and is the only time of day I have been outside lately other than when I need to go shopping.
Hope you get relief from the fires soon

Anonymous said...

Hot and humid here but there is supposed to be a break in the temperature and humidity by tomorrow. Western Canada has had hot and dry conditions too…lots of scary forest fires. I live in Ontario . We have had a hot summer with lots of rain…too much at times. Your little sewing basket cross stitch is so cute, matching your sewing accessories perfectly. Have fun embroidering this afternoon. Gail at the cozy quilter.

Linda said...

Woven Wreaths is so pretty, and I love that little Sew Day Basket. What a great idea to use what is sitting next to you. Does the wind blow there where you are? It is hot and dry, and the wind just sucks away any moisture we put on our yard or garden. No relief in sight here. I keep telling Hubs we need to move north. He says well it's hot there too, but I tell him that at least we would be far enough north to be affected by the cold/cool fronts.

Angela said...

You were very productive in the heat!

grammajudyb said...

It really has been hot! I don’t think there will be much slow stitching today! Our daughter is here and that means our granddaughter and great granddaughter will be here most of the day. I if I get time, I will work on Woven Wreaths. You would think I could stitch and visit, but Miss B needs my undivided attention, it seems! 🤣

I really like you staged your photo of the sewing basket ! Clever!

Carole @ From My Carolina Home said...

That is really cute!

Kate said...

The heat has been bad recently. We get a cool of about 10 F starting next weekend. We'll see if we even notice. Your Sew Day Basket turned out really cute. Have fun finishing it up.

PaintedThread said...

I wish I could send you some of our rain and humidity. It's been sticky-icky here. I like your woven wreathes progress.

Deb A said...

I would love that humidity level. Your stitchery is adorable. I really need to pick up a new stitchery project to add to the mix. Enjoy your Sunday.

CathieJ said...

Oh my you are much hotter than we have been. I just hate the humidity. Ours has been staying in the 70-80% range. Sometimes higher. Ugh! I love that Sew Day basket and the Woven Wreath quilt.

Karrin Hurd said...

We have been over 100 for weeks too it seems. We did have a couple of 90 days. I need to work on my Woven Wreaths too. Happy stitching!

Bonnie said...

Gracious! You have no humidity at all or so it seems. I mentioned ours in my blog as it was in the 90s during the day. Thanks for sharing the cute sewing related cross stitch. I need to go pick that one up. I might even try to stitch it. I don't remember seeing a Woven Wreaths project -- but I don't spend a whole lot of time on my computer as I get no sewing done then. Another one to take a look at. Hopefully the heat will abate a bit.

Jeanna said...

Oh my goodness, your Woven Wreaths is full of beautiful embroidery. The sun will be a fun one to stitch. You did a nice job on the Sew Day Basket. Can't wait to see how you finish it.

Sarah said...

That heat must be unbearable, I bet you are glad of the AC! Woven wreaths is a nice project, especially in the blue.

Melisa- pinkernpunkinquilting said...

It has been a scorcher in your neck of the woods. I do hope you get some relief soon, Diann. Your embroidery is looking gorgeous. I love bluework . And your Sew Day is adorable! I love the cheery colors that you used. Thank you so much for stitching it. Have an awesome week. Hugs. said...

Whew! Hot, Hot and hotter! Inside enjoy air conditioning sounds like a super good plan. Melisa's pattern stitched up so cute. She is such a clever woman! I like your Woven Wreaths project and each installment is my favorite!