Little Penguin Quilts Through the Year

Little Penguin Quilts Through the Year

Wednesday, April 24, 2024

I Like Thursday #384 - Nashville!

We spent Monday - Friday of last week in Nashville with our group of friends who Mike served in the Navy with over 50 years ago!  They sure enjoy being together, and we wives and significant others enjoy it, too.

Every even year, we all meet in a city to explore and spend time together.  Nashville was a new one for Mike and me, and we had a lot of fun.  There was a tiny bit of bar-hopping on Broadway - my favorite part was the open rooftop places where you could look out at the street.  Every single place has live music - young musicians hoping to make it big, I imagine.  The only problem is that they play SO DARN LOUD that we old people can't stand it for too long. 😬

We went on a great bus ride around the city with the driver narrating all the interesting places to see.   The Country Music Hall of Fame is a fascinating place - lots of history and cool artifacts like famous guitars and gold and platinum records.  

Probably my favorite activity was the dinner cruise we took on the Cumberland River, on the General Jackson Showboat!  We had a delicious meal, fun entertainment (and not so loud, lol!), and beautiful scenery, too.

At the end of the week, everyone went their separate ways.  It's always hard to say goodbye after spending time with these good friends.  Mike and I enjoyed a scenic drive up to Paducah, Kentucky, and I got to spend time at the National Quilt Museum and Hancock's of Paducah.  (See yesterday's post.)  

LeeAnna's question of the week is Bed & Breakfast or Luxury Hotel?  We tend to stay in middle of the road hotels, so I can't say that I've ever experienced a luxury hotel, but we have stayed in Bed & Breakfast places and it turned out to be fun!  In 2008, we took a trip to Alaska that was planned by a travel agent who encouraged us to stay in B & Bs, saying that was the best way to experience Alaska.  We were a little leary of it at the time, but it turned out to be great fun, and I would do it again!  Good memories!

Hope you're having a great week!  Joining in with I Like Thursday at Not Afraid of Color.


Kate said...

Sounds like a very fun trip with friends. We went to Nashville before we got married, it was loud then too.

Vicki in MN said...

Nashville is truly an amazing place. I would love to go back someday.

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

I don't like really loud music most of the time either. I have never stayed in a Bed & Breakfast and would need a private bathroom for sure. We normally stay in the mid-range motels or AirBnbs.

Nann said...

What a great trip! I don't mind B&Bs but my husband doesn't care for them. Give us a chain hotel/motel with free breakfast!

Angela said...

Your Nashville trip looks amazing. Maybe I will get there some day!

LA Paylor said...

that's wonderful... all of it. The group and how it supports and laughs and cries together. Your experiences sound lovely, Paducah!, river cruise, Alaska trip

PaintedThread said...

Looks like another fun time. How lovely to all get together like that. I've had a lot of good experiences with B&B's. Very down to earth places. :-) said...

What fun memories you made. That dinner cruise sounded terrific!

Nancy @ Grace and Peace Quilting said...

Fun trip recount, Diann!!! The showboat dinner sounds like great fun! Those outfits in the 2nd to the last photo are crazy!!! We've discovered that staying at Air B&Bs, while is always interesting and great, takes more time on a road trip--they're more out of the way. So if one has the time, great, otherwise find the hotels close to the travel road for a quick overnight stop.

Jeanna said...

Your visit to Nashville sounds like it was a ton of fun. It is great that Mike is able to reunite with his Navy buddies.