Little Penguin Quilts Through the Year

Little Penguin Quilts Through the Year

Friday, July 5, 2024

Getting started with aqua!

My sewing time this week has been all about digging into my aqua stash, and it has been very enjoyable!  I started with the next block for the Pieces of My Life QAL called "Steps to the Altar."

You can read more about that adventure HERE.

While I was working on that block, I also cut pieces and parts for an aqua patchwork heart.  Before too long, that one was sewn together, too!

And four patches were made for the alternate block as well.

I'm up to 16 blocks for this project, and it's starting to look like something!  I've decided I want to make 25 blocks for this quilt so that I can have a heart in each corner.  That means nine more are needed - five hearts and four alternate blocks.

Sharing at SoScrappy for ScrapHappy Saturday.

Wednesday, July 3, 2024

I Like Thursday #395

Happy 4th of July!  Whether busy or quiet, I hope you have a wonderful day!  We're planning an easy dinner - hotdogs on the grill and pasta salad.  I hope to walk down to the park to watch the fireworks in the evening - fingers crossed that the weather stays nice for that! 

We took our new car for a little scenic drive the other day.  It was very enjoyable just to cruise through the foothills and see how it went.  So pretty up there - quite green considering the dry spring we've had.

Somehow we ended up at a...

Odell Brewing Company is a fairly well-known brewery in Ft. Collins, and awhile back they started the OBC Wine Project right next door. It's kind of a fun complex, with indoor and outdoor sitting areas, food trucks, and other events.

I like how they served my wine!

I just finished this book, and it is soooo good!  Definitely recommend.

Have a fun day, friends!
Joining in with I Like Thursday at Not Afraid of Color.

Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Midweek Update

I've been working on the next blocks for the Pieces of My Life QAL at Melva Loves Scraps.  These blocks are celebrating our "Steps to the Altar" with our spouses.  Fun to think back on, although some of my memories are a little hazy these days!  🤪

Mike and I met in 1974, in between my sophomore and junior years of college.  I'm pretty sure he must have asked me to marry him the following summer, but it wasn't anything like the events that kids nowadays pull off.  I think we were sitting out on my parents back deck, and he said, "I think we should get married; what do you think?"  I bet you can guess my answer!  

The first block that Melva had us make is called "Diamond Solitaire." 
I didn't want a diamond engagement ring - I preferred a gold band, and mine is a Black Hills Gold ring, which I love.  Unfortunately it needs some repair right now, but it looks a lot like this one below.

Our second block is called "Steps to the Altar."  And our first step, of course, was to pick a date, which we decided would be January 9, 1976.  It was during Christmas Break right before my final semester of college, so we had a winter wedding!  The other interesting thing about that date is that it works out to 1-9-76 when written just in numbers.  That made a good PIN number when those started to be a thing you needed in the 1980s.

This was a fun block to make - it actually makes think of a bridal bouquet!  I decided to make it with my aqua scraps since I was getting them out for the Rainbow Scrap Challenge in July.  

Other steps to the altar included figuring out the invitations (which I ended up hand writing), the dresses - mine and my two sisters (which my mom made), flowers, the ceremony and the reception - the typical things.   My college roommates and friends gave us a kitchen shower, and I dug out a photo from that time.  I think they gave us a lot of spices!

Here are all the blocks I've made for the QAL - I'm really liking them!  I haven't had a chance to get started on the q-a-y-g of the first section, but hopefully this week.  I have all the materials I need for that - just have to make some time to work on it.

Linking up with Midweek Makers at Quiltfabrication.
And Melva Loves Scraps for the Steps to the Altar block link-up.