Little Penguin Quilts Through the Year

Little Penguin Quilts Through the Year

Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Midweek Update

First an update on the Alexander Mountain fire that is burning to the west of us here in Loveland, Colorado, up in the Big Thompson Canyon.  I took this first picture about noon on Monday, about an hour or so after it was first spotted.

Younger son went out about 2:00 and got this photo (zooming in) of one of the big firefighting planes dropping the red slurry on it.

You can see how much the fire grew in just a few hours.

Later Monday night we went out to see what you could see on the south side of Lake Loveland, and got this photo as the sun was about to set.

As of 4:30 Tuesday afternoon, it's being reported that the fire has spread to 3500 acres and is 0% contained.  We are fine, just affected by the smoky air, but we do have friends who live in the mandatory evacuation area, one family with livestock that has to be moved.  Unfortunately it is super hot and dry here, with no precipitation in sight, so it's going to take awhile to see any progress on this fire.

On the sewing front - I made a goal for myself to piece a backing for the zipper quilt top, and I achieved it.  I had a 30 x 72 piece of the blue floral that is the backing for Paducah Stars, and since it's used for a block in the top, I decided to start with that.

To make it wide enough, I added four fat quarters from a bundle I received in a giveaway from Preeti a year or so back.  Several blocks in the top are made from fabrics out of this bundle, like the one below.

Just a few seams later, and voila!  I have a backing!  It definitely needs more pressing, but then it's ready for sandwiching the layers, and I'm hoping to do that in August.  For now, it's going in the to-be-quilted closet until the temperature cools off around here, and working with big pieces of fabric is more comfortable!

Along the way, I've continued to make the County Clare leader/ender blocks bit by bit.  I'm up to five completed blocks and parts for another.

Today, Mike has his first cataract surgery tomorrow, so it will be a different kind of day.  Hopefully some sewing will be included in it!

Linking up with Quiltfabrication for Midweek Makers.




Linda said...

That is heartbreaking about the fire, my prayers go out to those evacuating and the responders. I know it is hard to watch it too. I can't wait for August to be over, and it hasn't even started.
Good luck to Mike with his surgery, will you take some hand stitching? My husband's went so fast last time I barely found a place to sit down, lol. I hope he likes his results.
I like your pieced backing, I'm trying not to look at your County Clare blocks, they look so fun. I even like the name of them. :D

Anonymous said...

All of these Forest fires sure are scary. The situation seems to be getting worse every year. I hope they can get the fire under control soon.
Great back for your zipper blocks. I love piecing the back of a quilt with what I have in my stash.
I have tried several times to do a leaders/enders project but it always seems to take over as the primary project! Love your blocks. Good luck to Mike with his eye surgery. I have had that surgery on both eyes.
Gail at the cozy quilter.

Carole @ From My Carolina Home said...

Wildfires are such scary things!! I hope they get it under control soon. Best wishes to Mike on an uneventful procedure, this kind of surgery is pretty routine these days.

Vicki in MN said...

I just feel so bad for anyone in the line of fires each year, so devastating for those who loose everything they worked hard to earn. Glad you are ok and hope it stays that way. Nice work getting the backing ready. Wishing Mike a successful cataract surgery.

Kate said...

Those wild fires are very scary stuff. Hopefully the winds are relatively calm and they can start getting parts of the fire contained very soon. Stay safe and stitch on.

Rebecca Grace said...

That wildfire looks terrifying. I hope they get it under control soon and that your community of humans and their animals are all safe. Your leaders and Enders are so cute and congrats on finishing your zipper top and getting your backing made! Best wishes for Mike’s cataract surgery tomorrow, too. Hugs!

Rebecca Grace said...
This comment has been removed by the author. said...

Dry, hot weather makes it tough to fight fire. I hope your friends are okay and that containment happens soon. Bless all the firefighters! I like your pieced backing. I'm working on a pieced back today and yesterday, I had my second cataract surgery which went so much better than the first surgery! I hope Mike's goes at least as well as mine did!

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

the wildfires do take awhile to contain and it is so dry - I think a lot of us need rain. And the heat - don't get me started it is horrible,
take care!

Deb A said...

Oh no on the fires. Glad you are safe. Hope surgery goes well with a quick recovery for your hubby. Love the backing. I never think to add fat quarters to make it bigger. Great idea.

grammajudyb said...

You and your neighbors have been constantly on my mind this week. And now a second fire nears Lyons. Praying for weather to cool and rain without lightning! 😕.

I have County Clare started, but there was more quilting and binding this week. Neither very conducive to using L&E. Augus when I start my RSC blocks. Not sure if I am doing darks or oranges. Maybe some of each. It’s great to have some front fabric to use on the back! I piece backs all the time.

Best wishes for Mike tomorrow. Like my brother says, “It’s a piece of cake!”

Susie H said...

Your Zipper blocks look great! While it's marinating in the To-Be-Quilted closet, you can think about how you'll quilt it! I was sorry to read about the fire especially since I was just thinking about my SIL and how Fred needs to give her a call now that Sarah left here. Now that call is mandatory in my opinion! Lol! Good luck, Mike, with that cataract surgery. Fred said it's pretty much a piece of cake!

MissPat said...

I didn't realize there was a wildfire so close to you. They seem to be popping up everywhere. And I also just read about new flooding in Vermont. From one extreme to the other.
I'm doing more pieced backings, trying to use up the stash while I can.
I hope Mike's cataract surgery went well (I think it was today since you posted this last night). I haven't had it done yet, but most everyone who has, says it's no big deal.
Keep us apprised on the fire when you can.

Jeanna said...

You made a fun backing for the zipper quilt, Diann. Hope the fires are out soon!

Melisa- pinkernpunkinquilting said...

It is a terrible time of the year for wildfires. It is so sad for all of those affected and who have damage. Woo Hoo on getting your backing pieced for your zipper quilt. Such pretty fabrics. You are moving right along with County Claire. Your blocks so lovely, Diann. Hugs.

Mary Rudd Deeter said...

Those wildfires can be pretty scary! Love the Zipper Quilt! Looks like a fun block to piece. Nothing better than a pieced backing, especially when you can use up bits leftover from making the quilt top.

Allison said...

I hope the fire has been brought under control now. It must be very scary to watch a fire spread and know there's so little that can stop it's progress.
I love to see a pieced back. It can take me ages to arrange the pieces and stitch them together - sometimes I just reach for my wallet and buy a wide back cotton (although the left-overs are often the start of a pieced back...).