Little Penguin Quilts Through the Year

Little Penguin Quilts Through the Year

Sunday, May 5, 2024

Pieces of My Life - Block 6

This weekend I had some time to work on block #6 of Melva's QAL, Pieces of My Life.  This block is called "Hours."  Since pink is the color of the month for May in the Rainbow Scrap Challenge, I decided to make this block in pink.

The journaling prompts for this block are all about how we spent our time as kids, growing up - did we have chores, get an allowance, watch TV, or have other activities?  I was a huge reader as a kid, and spent a lot of time doing that.  I don't remember playing with dolls much, although we did have Barbies that my mom made clothes for.  I took piano lessons from 3rd grade through college, so had to practice every day.  My parents gave us our family's piano (from when I was in 3rd grade - that piano!) and it is still here at our house!

I definitely had chores that I was expected to do, including dinner dishes and keeping my bedroom clean.  I can remember the four of us (me, two sisters, and a brother) splitting up the dish duties with two of us scraping dishes and loading the dishwasher, and the other two washing and drying things that wouldn't go in.  We did watch some TV, although not a lot - my favorite was the Shirley Temple movies that were broadcast on Saturday afternoons.  

We've made four 12 inch blocks for the QAL so far.  There are a few smaller ones included that I've opted not to make (yet!) and I think the decision about making those has to do with how we choose to finish the quilt.  Here are my four blocks!

Linking up at Melva Loves Scraps to share my Block 6!
And also at Sew and Tell Monday.


Melisa- pinkernpunkinquilting said...

Diann, your blocks look amazing. I love the pretty floral focus fabric that you are using. Block 6 is so pretty in pink. I bet you play the piano beautifully. It is a treasure that you have the family piano. Enjoy your day. Hugs.

Anonymous said...

Such pretty blocks! Interesting to reflect back on our childhood memories. I remember watching the Brady Bunch and the Partridge Family on tv. I also was and still am a big reader. I loved going to the library to get books to read. My mother loved Shirley Temple and I have a Poster of her that belonged to my mother. Gail at the cozy quilter

Kate said...

You had a dishwasher? That didn't happen for us till we moved to Oklahoma when I was in high school. It's funny what you remember from growing up. You've got some pretty blocks from the QAL. Happy stitching this week.

Linda said...

Your blocks are so pretty! I love that little floral print. I used to try to play my best friend's piano and drove her crazy trying to teach myself chords. Do you ever sit down and play?

Vicki in MN said...

Do you still play the piano? We have one that we bought when our daughter wanted to take lessons. I didn't get that gene to be musical in any way. You had a dishwasher when you were a kid!!

Chrisknits said...

All your projects are just so much fun! I love the pink blocks. Or maybe salmon?

Libby in TN said...

Love your colorful constant in your QAL blocks. I never had Barbies. My mom refused to make doll clothes for my dolls, but in later years knitted Barbie outfits to give away -- go figure!

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

we always had chores too and it always seemed like the 3 oldest girls had a heck of a lot more to do than the boys did - very unfair - we were in the kitchen all the time taking care of clean up and there was no dishwasher
pretty block!

Allison said...

It's good to have a prompt to look back at childhood - if it was a happy period in your life anyway. Your blocks look lovely and crisp.

Nancy @ Grace and Peace Quilting said...

Your 4 blocks are so pretty together, Diann! Some very good memories, too. said...

Your floral fabric sure works well in each of those blocks! We didn't watch much TV either. . .unless there was a game on. . .then we all gathered around. Otherwise, we were likely outside and we had chores too!

Jeanna said...

Your blocks look great. This such a fun challenge to follow. I enjoy hearing your stories. How wonderful to have your childhood piano! I took lessons, beginning in second grade. Unfortunately, they didn't last more than a year because I couldn't sit still!