Little Penguin Quilts Through the Year

Little Penguin Quilts Through the Year

Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Midweek Update

Block 20 for the Pieces of My Life QAL over at Melva Loves Scraps is out now, so it was time to sew it up!  This is a Broken Dishes block, made completely of half square triangles, and I really like it!  In fact, I was thinking it might make a good Rainbow Scrap Challenge block, with the dark triangles (in this block, they are a dark green) being something consistent throughout the whole quilt, and the monthly colors being the other triangles.  I'll have to think about that! 

"Broken Dishes" is all about raising our kids and how we handled chores and responsibilities.   I've written about our two boys before - Andrew and Kevin.  They're in their 40s now, so it's quite the exercise to think back to those days in the 80s and 90s when we were a busy family and trying to keep up with everything.  Of course, the kids did have chores like helping with dishes and keeping their toys picked up.  I guess the first thing you have to learn is about personal hygiene!  

Things I remember from those days:
  • Boys collect lots of Legos.
  • It hurts when you step on them!
  • A dust pan is really good for picking up lots of Legos at one time.
  • Don't give a little guy a full plate of spaghetti to carry from the kitchen to the dining room - you can guess what happens, lol!
  • Sometimes the way to get a chore done is to trade one of yours for one of theirs.  "I'll mow the lawn if you want to make dinner!"
  • One of my proudest accomplishments as a mom is that I taught both boys to do their own laundry when they were each in about 7th grade.  That worked out well!
Both of our boys were in Cub Scouts and Boy Scouts, and in fact they both achieved the rank of Eagle Scout, which is the highest honor.  Those achievements came with lots of jobs and responsibilities and they did well with those, with only a little nagging! 😘  These activities kept Mike and me busy, too, because we were leaders for the troop and helped the kids with their various projects.

I'd been putting off getting the next section of the quilt blocks together, but got started on that this week.  I'm second guessing my decision to use the darker blue sashing because it really stands out, but I'm hoping that when all four sections are put together this will look like they are tied together with a bow!

Or maybe these are the pathways we follow through life -
all joining together in the end.  (Wink!)

Sharing at Melva Loves Scraps for the Block 20 link-up,
and at Quiltfabrication for Midweek Makers.


Linda said...

Your boys are very handsome in their Scout uniforms, and I love that tooth brushing photo. Your blocks are beautiful! I like your pathways thought.

PaintedThread said...

Two eagle scouts. That's impressive! I like your mishmash of blocks.

grammajudyb said...

You've done a great job on your Pieces of My Life QAL. And I loved seeing your boys in the scout uniforms. I rather like the idea of the Broken Dishes as a RSC block.

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

great looking guys you have there. The years fly by don't they. Love the black in your block really pops

Jeanna said...

You and Mike are wonderful parents! Obtaining Eagle Scout is no easy task and the fact BOTH is awesome. My son is also and Eagle Scout and my husband was a leader of his troop. I led my daughter's girl scout troop. Wow, time sure flies. I like the blue sashing. I think I am going to participate in RSC next year, so I need to find a couple block patterns.

digitizing embroidery service said...

lovely digitizing embroidery service designs $%

Alycia~Quiltygirl said...

What cute little kids!!! and what fun to reminisce about how you did things!! Congrats on their eagle scout accomplishments!! that is impressive!! said...

Your boys had some wonderful life experiences to help them turn out so well. You and Mike were great supporters and continue to be in their corners! I loved that chore trading!