Little Penguin Quilts Through the Year

Little Penguin Quilts Through the Year

Wednesday, May 1, 2024

I Like Thursday #385

Happy Thursday!  How's your week going?  I'm starting to feel caught up after traveling - there's always lots do when you get home.

Something we enjoy doing wherever we go is finding a winery to visit.  On this trip we visited two that were near Paducah.  One was family owned and the people made the wine in their garage!  The other one was much bigger, and apparently very popular as it was busy.  I loved the name of it, "Purple Toad Winery."  They had a lot of fruit wines there - sweet, dessert wines.  It was a fun place to taste!

Thank you to Jocelyn, Canadian Needle Nana, for an interesting book recommendation that I was able to get from the library as an ebook while we were on our trip.  Vinegar Girl, by Anne Tyler, is a retelling of the Shakespeare play, "The Taming of the Shrew."  I wasn't actually that familiar with the play, but thought the book was very interesting and it definitely kept me reading!

We finished streaming all the seasons of "The Good Doctor" that were available and are now up to the most recent episode of the current season, which we watched on regular TV last night.  I saw that there are only three episodes left - I'm going to miss that show! Now getting caught up on shows like "Will Trent" which we also like.  Have you got any recommendations for streaming? 

We love his dog, Betty!

LeeAnna's question for this week is to tell about our names.  Mine is Diann - notice the spelling!  Not Diane, or Dianne, just D I A N N.  No E.  You can blame my dad for that.  He wanted all of us kids' names to end in an N.  (So we were Diann, Susan, Karen, and Steven.)  Very few people, except family and close friends, remember to spell it right.  You do have to agree that it is phonetically correct, though - right?!  I had to look up the meaning of it because I didn't really know - apparently the Latin "Diana" means divine or heavenly.   Hmmm... I don't feel particularly divine...

But I do wish you a heavenly day!  Joining in with I Like Thursday at Not Afraid of Color.



13 comments: said...

I liked Vinegar Girl too! Someday, I may read more Anne Tyler books. It is interesting how different the various wineries are. There are a lot of wineries in Oregon. What a fun name for the one you visited!

Kate said...

The wineries sound like fun. Love those frog wine glasses! Any idea why your Dad wanted his kid's name to end in "N"? No recommendations for streaming, hope you find something fun to watch.

Linda said...

Haha we all think you are divine Diann! :) I love that your Dad wanted all your names to end with N. We wanted our kids to have "J" names as well as middle names starting with "B". Our Jennifer (Jenni) actually got rid of her middle name "Beth" (my favorite Nancy Drew character - lol!) by formally changing her name. We were kind of shocked, but oh well.
My Mom named me after Linda Darnell, a 40s actress, and Lou is my middle name, after her Aunt Lula. I told Mom once when I was a girl that I didn't like my middle name. Oh boy did I get scolded and told what an honor it was to be named after her favorite aunt. I obviously never did that again!
That wine looks delicious!

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

interesting on the name I don't remember many in our age range having names with different kind of spelling like so many do now.


Hi Diann--I am also a Diane--but with an 'e' at the end--in my high school graduating class there was 5 of us--Diane's and Diana's--and my best friend was one of the other Diane's--only she spelled her name Dianne--and if you sent her mail with out the extra 'n'--she would send it back to you!!!!!
Hugs, di ( I use di on most of my blog stuff as it is shorter to type???)

LA Paylor said...

oh but Diann you're heavenly to us! lol
I noted the spelling when we first met, and like names that are unique and spelling makes a big difference even if they are pronounced the same.

do you like your name, your middle name included? Did you change your last name when marrying (I did) Did you ever wish your name was something else?
we go to wineries when on a road trip... love love those glasses! We found an exquisite wine in NY state but can't get it here sadly and our case of it, moved with with us, and sadly is now gone

Angela said...

Such fun wine glasses! I like Will Trent but haven't watched the second season yet.

Laura said...

My Dad introduced us as #1, #2, #3, #4. Ha, ha!

PaintedThread said...

We've been watching Renegade Nell and The Completely Made-Up Adventures of Dick Turpin (which I would not watch at the same time because they are both about highwaymen). Blue Eye Samurai on Neflix is anime. Gah on the bloodiness, but the storyline and animation is very good (we're only on episode 2). The Tourist - if you like Australian stuff. They have weird story plots. And the language on Deadloch is awful (the main characters is crazy offensive) - but the show's absurdity had us laughing... again, if you like the Aussie stuff. Brokenwood has just dropped it's latest season. Woot!

So your siblings all start with different letters but end the same. That is different!

Deb A said...

Your Dad is unique in wanting the last letter to be the same! Love those wine glasses and it sounds like you had a fun time. I need to go back and catch up on posts now that life is settling down a bit.

Angie said...

Diann - thanks for visiting my blog! We are excited to visit wineries during our Europe trip! We are currently streaming Annika, on PBS from Amazon and really like it. Have a great week ahead!

Melisa- pinkernpunkinquilting said...

It sounds like you had such a lovely vacation, Diann. Those are some adorable wine glasses too! I think that is so neat when parents have a "theme" for the children's names ( y'alls ending in "n") . My daughters have rhyming names and are named after some form of nature as well. LOL. Have a blessed day. Hugs

Sandra Walker said...

thanks for The Good Doctor recommendation. It is one that has caught my eye several times. The Purple Toad is a great name for a winery!