Little Penguin Quilts Through the Year

Little Penguin Quilts Through the Year

Friday, May 17, 2024

Paducah Stars

I've been able to focus my sewing time this week on the small and medium stars for Luminous Layers - Sandra's Spring QAL at mmmquilts.  I think I'm going to call mine Paducah Stars because I bought all the fabric at Hancock's of Paducah when we visited there in April.   This dark pink is a big part of this section of the quilt.  What color would you call it?

Fuschia?  Cerise (which I guess is the name for a cherry shade of pink)?

I'm still working on the small stars (they require lots of little 1.5 inch pieces!), but couldn't resist making one of the medium stars to see how they go together.

All laid out:

Can I sew it together without flipping any pieces?


The bottom right piece is 1/4 of the center star, 
and it's surrounded by dark blue star points.  
Stars within stars!

One more small star, and three more medium stars left to do.  It's getting there!

Sharing at SoScrappy for ScrapHappy Saturday.


Nancy @ Grace and Peace Quilting said...

Cool progress!!! Love the cherry pink!!!

Linda @ kokaquilts said...

These 'stars within stars' look wonderful Diann. I too love that cherry pink, a dramatic choice.

Anonymous said...

It’s fun to see the design emerge as the blocks are made and put together! Great colour choices! Gail at the cozy quilter.

Vicki in MN said...

You are doing great work on those teeny stars!

Linda said...

Whatever it's called, I really love that pink! It looks so pretty in your blocks. That's a great name for your quilt. :)

scraphappy said...

Looks perfect to me! What a fun quilt that will be when the stars all come together.

Sara said...

That is a luscious color! I'm totally intrigued so far with the design. The stars are beautiful.

Jennifer said...

love it! may need to add this to my list...

also: you inspired me to finish my scrappy hearts quilt. i joined the blocks with black irish chain alternates. one of these fine days i'll get thep icture up on my blog!

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

it is a dark pink with a touch of cherry for sure - that is an interesting pattern

Kat Scribner said...

I can see this is going to be a very interesting quilt design! said...

Such a unique setting for stars. ..I always have liked the setting that is a smaller version inside itself!

Sue said...

Stars in stars is always a win! Love that bright pink whatever color it is! LOL

Libby in TN said...

I'd say fuschia. Can't wait to see the whole star quilt. So many mysteries and QALs that I missed during my confinement...

Rochelle aka Bella Quilts said...

This looks so nice. I'm struggling a little with the small middle star. There is a lot of reverse sewing!! But I will get it done. Paducha Star sounds like the right name for yours.

PaintedThread said...

Looks pretty cool! I've enjoyed watching this come together.

Kate said...

It's always a good feeling when the block goes together the first time! Looking good.

Anonymous said...

Watermelon pink

Sylvia@Treadlestitches said...

Beautiful block, and perfectly pieced, too! I like your name for it. BTW, I would call that shade of pink Raspberry. But I have kind of a thing for raspberries lol.

Sandra Walker said...

This is going to be spectacular Diann! I think that is the perfect name for the quilt too. What a great memory of your trip there. One day I shall get there too, and it's not far really to drive from here.I also like the tease of making the middle star and having everyone do mental gymnastics to envision what it will look like ;-)

Melisa- pinkernpunkinquilting said...

Paducah Stars would be a great name. I love the yummy pink fabric!It is perfect. The buttercream yellow is gorgeous too. It is looking awesome!Hugs.

Jeanna said...

I love the fabrics in these stars. Great job on assembling without flipping the pieces.