Little Penguin Quilts Through the Year

Little Penguin Quilts Through the Year

Saturday, October 28, 2023

October in Colorado...

can look like this:

Some leaves are still turning, many have fallen (and need to be raked!) and snow!
Our first snowfall of the year began this morning (Saturday) and is still falling late this afternoon.

So, October in my slow stitching can be varied, too.  A jack-o-lantern is taking shape in the Halloween Jar.

Mr. Jack looks a little bit like he has a 5:00 shadow, I think!
I had to get more orange floss and none of the colors I found at Joann's exactly matched the color I had run out of.  How can there be so many different oranges?

But today, stitching a tiny snowman seems appropriate, too!  This is a Melisa design - Baby Flake.  I'm having fun using little bits of different colors here and there - a black hat, a green scarf and pine branches, a red cardinal.  I think I'll do the little snowman and snowflakes in variegated blue, just so there'll be some contrast against the white background.

Sunday is predicted to be a cold and snowy day here, again - high of 32° - so it will be a good day to watch football and do some slow stitching.  Will it be Jack or Baby Flake?   Maybe both!

Sharing at Kathy's Quilts for Slow Sunday Stitching.



Kate said...

The difference in the oranges isn't that noticeable. Enjoy your slow stitching today. It's cold and rainy here. When it gets like this My Guy says he'd just as soon have snow.

Libby in TN said...

The cold is coming our way Tuesday. Nighttime lows below freezing, but sunny. Enjoy your slow stitching Sunday.

Anonymous said...

Snow flakes in the forecast for Halloween here. I’m not ready for that yet! Enjoy stitching both projects today with a warm beverage nearby! Gail at the Cozy Quilter

Carole @ From My Carolina Home said...

Oh, my, snow in October! I like it colder now, but that is taking it a bit too far, LOL!! Your pumpkin looks fine to me, not really noticeable that it isn't exactly the same. Looks like you have one more mason jar project than I did this year!

Michele McLaughlin said...

Snow in October? Wow! On the other hand, you have two lovely projects to work on while the snow falls. Wishing you warmer weather soon!

Vicki in MN said...

We had some white flurries yesterday, very little and it didn't stick which is good!

Linda said...

I think Jack looks good with some varied orange! I thought about you when we saw the score on the CSU game last night. Wow on your snow - sounds like a good day to snuggle under a blanket!

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

what pretty snow but yes kind of early although I know not real unusual for you. the pumpkins look good!

Mari said...

The snow actually looks wonderful, just like your stitching! :)

Linda said...

Oh my goodness, you had snow already. I'm in Ontario, Canada and to the far north there was some snow. Overnight our temperatures dropped to about 5 Celsius, we'll soon be getting frost. Love the little snowman stitching you are doing. Have a wonderful day.

Karrin Hurd said...

I don't really notice the difference in the oranges. We are at 44 right now and I am chilly. I don't think my joints would like that cold very much. Happy stitching!

CathieJ said...

I am always amazed at the variation of colors. Even if you use supposedly the same number floss. Your little jack-o-lantern and snowman are so cute. Enjoy your stitching.

Deb A said...

I miss snow. I could have used just a few degrees of those cool temps yesterday. Jack and the frosty look great. Enjoy your day of stitching. said...

What a fun arrangement! Love Jack. . .he will have a little "shading" won't he? I didn't even notice!

grammajudyb said...

I’m late reading posts this morning! I spent some time trying to get my OMG to the goal line.! Almost there! I’ve discovered lots of new floss is different than the colors in my stash. Even if it is the same manufacturer and the same color. If I discover it in time, I try to blend one old thread with one new thread. I think your Jack will be just fine when finished ! I should look up a Thanksgiving or Turkey design! I missed doing any Halloween’. Did you get to the CSU game? At least the Broncos won yesterday, finally’ The Wyoming Cowboys lost though! Such is the game!

Melisa- pinkernpunkinquilting said...

Good morning, Diann. I had some difficulty posting a comment Sunday , but I just wanted to tell you how adorable your Halloween Jar is and Baby Flake. I love the purple lid for the jar- how cute an clever. I hope you are enjoying each and every stitch. I can not thank you enough. Hugs.