Little Penguin Quilts Through the Year

Little Penguin Quilts Through the Year

Friday, May 17, 2019

Two Tiny Tuesday Blocks Today

Say that five times fast!

I've been awash in little bits of orange this week -

First to catch up with last week's block, shared with us by Angie at Quilting on the Crescent.

The Road to _______ (Angie says insert your destination here.)
I'll call mine The Road to Colorado, since that's where I live!

Next up was this week's block from Sally at The Objects of Design, called  Bear's Bowtie.  Be sure to look at Sally's version, because mine does not quite do it justice, mostly because of poor fabric choice on my part!  ;(

I think those are snakes who are after whatever the bear has in its claws, lol!
This one may be redone, but that will have to wait for another post...

Both blocks - 

And all of my Tiny Tuesday blocks, so far!

Plus, a few little bricks for another orange Tiny Rails block were made as leaders and enders.

Hope you've had fun with your orange scraps this week!  Linking up with Soscrappy for ScrapHappy Saturday!


Libby in TN said...

I found the color choices (really value choices) difficult this week, too, so haven't even started my latest TT block.

Kate said...

Love your Tiny Tuesday blocks. You've got the beginnings of a very fun quilt up on the design wall.

Julierose said...

These are tiny alright!! Very pretty--hugs, Julierose

maggie fellow said...

wonderful additions to your wall - I still have May blocks to do

Kat Scribner said...

ALl your tiny tuesday blocks look so great together, Diann.!

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

love your little blocks such a variety for sure!

Mari said...

Love your tiny blocks! I do like seeing the quilt progress as you add new ones to it.

Linda said...

Great blocks for your projects, and I love the Bear's Bowtie!

grammajudyb said...

Seeing your Tiny Tuesday blocks on the wall, make me wish I had chosen a different setting fabric. Lesson learned!

piecefulwendy said...

It's interesting that the Bear's Bow Tie looks so different up close than from a distance. I've made fabric choices like that too, where in the end it gives me pause. Maybe you just need to live with that block for a bit. Those little blocks are so cute! Wish I would've done them from the start; it would take me a bit to get caught up now.

Deb A said...

Love seeing your tiny tuesday blocks each month. They are so fun to see on the design wall.

chrisknits said...

Up close the contrast is not there, but further away it's not too bad. Love them both!

Susie H said...

At least your bear claw doesn't look look like he got a pedi like mine did! I chopped off a couple of points -- OOPS! Good job -- you did lots of work this week!

Katie Z. said...

Nice blocks!

Louise said...

Those tiny blocks really make you think about the scale of the fabrics, don't they? The snakes comment made me chuckle :)

Wendy F said...

I love seeing your Tiny Tuesday blocks all together - they look great!

Cynthia Brunz Designs said...

Great blocks! I find it so frustrating when I make poor fabric choices. Especially on a block with so many pieces.

Judy Biggerstaff said...

Very nice work on your tiny blocks. Love the orange color!

Anonymous said...

Oh so cute! How many of these Tiny Tuesday blocks will there be?