Little Penguin Quilts Through the Year

Little Penguin Quilts Through the Year

Wednesday, January 31, 2018

I Like Thursday #67 - February!

Hello,  February!

Something I love about this time of year is that the days are getting longer and there is more daylight to enjoy!  That always makes a big difference in my energy level and attitude.  Light equals "hope" - spring is going to come again!

But you can't take a picture of longer days!

I did snap a picture of something silly going on at our house the other day -

My hubby was trying an experiment with a pair of shoes that are a bit too tight.  He read that you could fill a plastic bag with water inside your shoe, and then freeze it.  Since water expands when it freezes, it was supposed to stretch the shoe.  Did it work?  He says no.  ;(

I think I will stick to experimenting in the sewing room!  I have enjoyed playing with a cascade of hearts this week!

I decided to make a little Valentine mini called "I Heart You" from Cluck Cluck Sew after seeing the one that Janice at Color, Creating, and Quilting is making.   It is made in a fun way - each heart overlaps the next one.  I hope to finish putting it together in the next couple of days.

Yesterday we went for a scenic drive up in the mountains, but before we even left town, we saw a group of elk hanging out in an open space by some houses!

Just hanging out, no worries, as everyone driving by stopped to take their picture!

Lots more were hanging out up in Estes Park.

And although my photo doesn't do it justice, this is a favorite view of the mountains.

Hope you are having a great week!  Don't forget to check out the other "I like Thursday" posts hosted by LeeAnna at Not Afraid of Color!


Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

Love Estes Park and the NP I think it is such fun to see Elk hanging out in town and in peoples yards but I sometimes wonder what the people think whos yards are being occupied? :) I'm thinking maybe they do not enjoy it as much?

Michele McLaughlin said...

It's neat to see Elk like that! Are they hungry or just not afraid of people? Love your heart mini quilt! Your colors are so sweet! Have a great day!

Kate said...

Sorry Your Guy's experiment didn't work out. I like your little hearts, it's very cute. Happy stitching this week.

Home Sewn By Us said...

Hi Diann,
Wow those elk look huge. Do they come around often? I had to giggle at the shoe in the freezer, and so sorry the experiment didn't work out. The layout for your cascading hearts looks great! You'll have that done just in time for Valentine's Day. ~smile~ Roseanne

Mary in Peoria Handmade said...

Oh my goodness- those Elk are beautiful. LOL on the shoes experiment. Those hearts look intriguing-can't wait to see that finished. Your photos are always so fun. Have a great day! mary in Az

Jan @Cocoa Quilts said...

Love Estes Park, one of our best vacations. Your photos are beautiful.

Vicki in MN said...

Oh you made me feel like I was back on vacation in your area! I was shocked at the elk in Yellowstone park, in Mammoth Springs they were in the park right beside cars just lazing a way or munching on the grass. Your hearts are looking great;) said...

I love Cluck, Cluck Sews heart patterns I use them all the time. Oh the Elk are gorgeous. I agree thoroughly enjoy the longer days.

PaintedThread said...

Interesting way to try and stretch a shoe. Too bad it didn't work! Ill fitting shoes are no fun. Neat elk! And the hearts are really cute.

I noticed the other day when I left the house at 5pm that I could easily see my way to my car. And it was even overcast. Oh, joy!

Sandy said...

I like the start of a new month, too. I get excited (well, sort of!) about going around and changing the calendar to the new month and new picture.

Anonymous said...

Ha! Ha! That water freezing trick sounds good in theory! How delightful to be able to see wildlife close up and personal like that. So fun to have a squirrel partner! :)

Libby in TN said...

That's one big dude! Our deer don't even come close in size to your elk.

PugMom said...

What fun to see the elks! When we visited my Aunt last month in Kauai, there were cows in the road. Reading further back in your blog, Yellow Brick Road is one of my favorite patterns and we loved The Post too!

Michele said...

The mountains are beautiful.

LA Paylor said...

I needed to stretch dance shoes. I took dh's shoe thing men stuff in their shoes, put on two thick socks, and pushed it into my shoe. It did stretch it. You could spritz with water before too. When I camped in the Canadian Rockies we had an elk attack our tent! Hit it over and over with it's rack. I reported it to the rangers and they laughed me out of the office! What do you want us to do, relocate an ELK???