I have a finish to share today! I've been hand quilting this little quilt for the last couple weeks, and it is now done.
Little Penguin Quilts Through the Year

Saturday, April 30, 2022
Slow stitching on a Sunday
Friday, April 29, 2022
Watermelon with Friends
aka my April Table Scraps project!
Hunting around for *who knows what?* earlier in the month, I came across this watermelon print that is leftover from a tote bag I made years ago. Combined with some strips of a text fabric (a wide backing that I've used in multiple projects!) and a fat quarter of a typewriter print, I thought this could turn into something fun.
Wednesday, April 27, 2022
I Like Thursday #284
It's the last week of April - always amazing how the months fly by, even if some of the days have been slow. We're starting to get some nicer, and less windy, weather here, finally, and lots more trees are leafing out. I managed to successfully grow a few pretty tulips (after the daffodils disappeared and a bunch of tulips froze)!
Monday, April 25, 2022
Pop Star update and To-Do Tuesday #135
On my to-do list last week was to get started cutting for the PopStar QAL at mmmquilts, which I never actually got around to! Since the first sewing steps were released on Saturday, I ended up cutting a little and sewing a little, which works out just fine. We're starting with HSTs and flying geese. I'm already liking the blues with w-o-w background - very soothing!
- Add a small border to the top and bottom of Full Stop. ✔ Done! See my post here.
- Finish up the April Table Scraps project. ✔ Done! Need to write up a post about it to share at the end of the week.
- Keep going on PopStar sewing - HSTs and flying geese
- Finish up quilting on Charm Pack quilt, get binding made and sewn on.
- Finally finish this little embroidery design into a pillow cover. It's been on the list before, but I set it aside. Now my friend's birthday is coming up next week, so I'd better get on that!
Joining in with Linda and friends at Texas Quilt Gal for the To-Do Tuesday link-up!
Saturday, April 23, 2022
Still quilting
Almost every evening lately, I've spent some time hand quilting this small quilt. I started from the center and worked my way out to the edges. Some areas are quilted on the diagonal, others echoing the seam lines.
Friday, April 22, 2022
Writing Rainbow
Remember that wonderful PBS show for kids hosted by LeVar Burton - "Reading Rainbow?" My kids and I loved that show - I think we mostly watched it in the 80s, although I saw that it had 21 seasons, lasting until 2006.
I was thinking of that show this week as I finished up my Full Stop Quilt top. I think I'll rename this quilt Writing Rainbow as it's definitely a rainbow of writing symbols!
Wednesday, April 20, 2022
I Like Thursday #283
Happy Thursday, friends! I'm just popping in for a quick post today because it's been a busy week without much time for photos, but I've definitely found some things to enjoy!
*a family get together on Easter Sunday
*the first golf outing of the year with friends
*trees leafing out and more Spring flowers blooming
We're headed out on a quick road trip to visit our oldest son, so I'll be away from blogland for a few days. I did have a chance to sew up a quick pillow cover for a gift for my son. He's a big Colorado Rockies baseball fan, so this fabric seemed appropriate!
Monday, April 18, 2022
To-Do Tuesday #134
Good morning! I'm joining in with Linda and friends at Texas Quilt Gal for the To-Do Tuesday link-up, sharing what I've been working on and my new list for this coming week.
- The main section of Full Stop is together!
- Pink blocks for my current Rainbow Scrap Challenge blocks are completed for April:
- One pillow cover is finished, see my Sunday post here.
- And, I'm continuing to hand quilt the charm pack quilt, but no photos.
- A border on Full Stop
- Work on my April Table Scraps project - top is done and it's ready to quilt.
- Start cutting for PopStar QAL. So far, I'm just getting myself organized for that job - pressing fabric, making a list of what's needed, and designating a project box for the pieces. Hopefully, I'll be able to start sewing next weekend when the first steps are released.
Saturday, April 16, 2022
A little finish for Easter
Happy Easter, friends! I finished up Mrs. March Hare into a small pillow to decorate the living room couch. She's kind of fun for the holiday, isn't she?!
Friday, April 15, 2022
A little more with pink...
In my Thursday post, I shared that I had lots of tulips ready to bloom, and then we had a record low temperature Wednesday morning, which resulted in the poor tulips all bent over and laid out on the ground! They never did perk up, so rather than give up on them, I went out later in the day and cut a bunch to bring in and see if I could save them.
And look!
Wednesday, April 13, 2022
I Like Thursday #282
Spring is trying to make some headway in Colorado these days. In between lots of cold, windy days, we'll have a day or two that is really nice and it's enjoyable to get outside for exercise or some work in the yard.
About once a week, I meet a friend for a walk at some trails out on the eastern side of our city. Here was my view last Friday while I waited for her. It was a gorgeous day!
Monday, April 11, 2022
To-Do Tuesday #133
Good morning! I'm joining in with Linda and friends at Texas Quilt Gal for the To-Do Tuesday link-up, sharing what I've been working on and my new list for this coming week.
- Make progress on Full Stop. ✔ The top four rows are ready to sew together!
- Make progress on turning the two embroidery designs into pillow covers. ✔ The first step in that process is to layer the top onto some batting, and do some simple quilting. Here's Mrs. March Hare all quilted up!
- I also made progress on quilting the charm pack quilt, see my post here, and staying caught up with pink Rainbow Scrap Challenge blocks for April, posted about here.
Saturday, April 9, 2022
Hand quilting on a slow stitching Sunday
Earlier this week I shared this photo of a small quilt top I had finished up, and was hoping to get it ready for quilting soon.