Little Penguin Quilts Through the Year

Little Penguin Quilts Through the Year

Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Thursday Thoughts

Good morning, friends!

I'm doing a little bit different type of post this morning because I need you to send up your prayers and good thoughts for my husband, Mike, today.

A favorite picnic spot - Ecola State Park, Cannon Beach, Oregon.

He was diagnosed with cancer a few weeks ago, and today he is having surgery.  Anxiety - producing in the best of times, but you can just imagine how we are feeling in these crazy times.

Mike loves golf!

Once he has healed from surgery, there will be additional treatment, but the doctor feels Mike's prognosis is good, and I'm focusing on that!

One of these days, when all of life gets back to normal, 
we will be walking on our favorite beach again.

Hopefully, Mike will be back home by Saturday and on the road to recovery.  Meanwhile, you'll understand if I'm absent from blogland for awhile.   Thanks for your friendship and your good thoughts and prayers.  It's so appreciated!

I'm joining LeeAnna and friends at Not Afraid of Color for "I Like Thursday."


Jollygirl said...

I am so sorry that your husband has cancer. I am praying for both of you, that his surgery goes well, he heals quickly and that you both have peace during this difficult time. I will keep praying for you two. Take care.

sewyouquilt2 said...

Praying that all goes well with surgery and healing. If you are absent from the blog we get it. When you need us we are here.God bless and protect

Susie H said...

I know exactly what you're going through since you know my husband just had cancer surgery less than 2 weeks ago (seems like ages!). Of course you and Mike will be in my prayers for healing. Come back to Blogland when you can. We'll all be here like we are here for you now! Peace.

Julierose said...

Sending prayers and good thoughts out for good outcome for your Mike, Difficult times made even more difficult for you--so sending them for you, safe and strong for you and for him Julierose

Libby in TN said...

Prayers, for sure. Keep us posted.

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

sending all my positive thoughts to you - I know you will not be able to be at the hospital with him this week and I am so sorry about that - that makes it even harder to have to have the phone at your side to get updates from the nurses and then from Mike when he can phone you - I'm thinking of you both

Carole @ From My Carolina Home said...

You certainly have mine! Best wishes to your husband for a full recovery. Take care of yourself too.

deb said...

Prayers going out...

Carol R. said...

Saying prayers for him now and will continue them for both of you. We'll miss your posts but it's more important for you to focus on what's going on - and we understand. Both of you take care..

Linda said...

Oh Diann, I'm feeling for you and holding you both up in prayer. I didn't see your post till today, so I assume surgery took place yesterday. How hard it must be for you, not only for Mike's surgery, but to have it taking place during the current world situation. Keep us posted as you are able, but please don't feel you have to respond to our comments. Big hugs to you.

Home Sewn By Us said...

Hi Diann! Oh, I am so sorry you and Mike are having to deal with this right now. (or anytime, for that matter). Yes, please focus on the good prognosis. I will hold you both closely in prayer. It won't be long and you'll be walking on your favorite beach and he'll be swinging the golf clubs. {{Hugs}} Please let me know if there is anything I can help you with or vent whenever you need to. I'll be checking in with you to see how he and you are doing. ~smile~ Roseanne

Scrapatches said...

Sending healing thoughts and prayers ... <3 Pat

chrisknits said...

All the best to your and Mike. Stay strong, stay focused on your family, and stay healthy!! Prayers to all.

LA Paylor said...

"I like Mike AND Diann" another like for the week.
We stand by you in spirit.... love, LeeAnna said...

Oh many prayers for Mike and you. Are you prohibited from being at the hospital with him? I know that the hospitals here prohibit any family members.

bcarlf said...

Adding my concerns as well and will look forward to hearing your good results in happier days really soon!

The Joyful Quilter said...

Oh, Diann! My heart hurts for you. Wishing you and Mike all the best throughout this journey!

piecefulwendy said...

Thinking of you both much today, and will continue to pray. Looking forward to hearing from you when things have quieted a bit for you. Hugs!

priscilla said...

Wishing you all the safe also

Anonymous said...

Prayers going up right now! I'm glad you are able to be with Mike as much as you can.

Vicki in MN said...

Oh Diann, I am so sorry to hear this. Definitely sending loads of good thoughts Mike's way. And hugs for you. Do keep us informed.

Deb A said...

I'm sending prayers and healing thoughts to you both. Quilty hugs, my friend.

O'Quilts said...

Best of luck during this tough world wraps their arms about you two xo

Tanya Quilts in CO said...

Good luck to Mike! Positive thinking and a healthy lifestyle are the best for recovery and battle. You will be in my thoughts--hang in there!

Angie said...

I can appreciate your anxiety - not a time when I would want to be in a hospital. Will be sending prayers your way for a successful surgery and recovery.

Mari said...

Diann, many good thoughts coming your way. I hope everything goes well. Please take care of him and yourself. Healing prayers and hope from Baltimore --Mari

PaintedThread said...

Oh, wow, that's stressful, especially with all that's going on. I'm so glad he got into the surgery itself! I know places were looking to cut back on any surgical procedures. You're in my thoughts - be safe.

Alycia~Quiltygirl said...

Prayers going up!! for both of you!! Hugs