Little Penguin Quilts Through the Year

Little Penguin Quilts Through the Year

Saturday, September 7, 2024

Sampler September

I still feel relatively new to the world of cross-stitching, so didn't catch on until just recently that there is a thing called "Sampler September!"  Fortunately I was already working on one of the mini samplers that I enjoy inspired by all the bee activity around our newly blooming sunflowers. 

We're pretty sure this is a wasp in the photo here, 
but they're pollinators, too, right?!

The bees in this sampler are much cuter!  This is the Little Bee Sampler from Melisa at PinkernPunkin Quilting.  

After finishing that one, there was time to start a new mini sampler, and since it's September, and I'm a retired teacher, I decided on the Little Red Schoolhouse Mini Sampler.   Check out Melisa's adorable finished piece at the link.  I have just gotten started on it, but you can see the little red schoolhouse starting to emerge!

Plenty more to do!  Thank you, Melisa, for keeping me in stitches!

We're going out of town this coming week, and I think this will make some good travel stitching.   I'll work on it today, too, for my Slow Sunday Stitching!  Linking up at Kathy's Quilts. 




The Cozy Quilter said...

You might need to get a bigger bowl for all of your little samplers! I get lots of stitching done in the car. Safe travels! Gail at the Cozy Quilter

Linda said...

That is one glorious sunflower. My daughter planted sunflowers for The Littles this past summer, and they are starting to bloom. I'm so glad she is carrying on the gardening gene! Your schoolhouse sampler will be so cute. Enjoy your travels!

Kim said...

All your little cross stitch samplers look so pretty gathered together. Aren't sunflowers bright and happy flowers?? Enjoy your week away, Diann.

Angela said...

Your bowl filled with samplers is so pretty!

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

you sound like me - got on a vacation and plan what stitching to bring along!

Melisa- pinkernpunkinquilting said...

Look at that glorious sunflower! How beautiful. I believe the yellow wasp are pollinators too. Your bee sampler is adorable and great start on the Mini Schoolhouse sampler. I can not thank you enough for adding them to your stitching, Diann. I wish you safe travels this week. Enjoy your vacation. Hugs.

Karrin Hurd said...

Gorgeous sunflower, mine didn't do well this year, maybe too hot, plus something ate the leaves down to nothing. Love the bee sampler. Have a great trip!

Nann said...

Cute bee skep. Safe travels!

Kate said...

Very cute cross stitch! Hope you got lots of stitching done on the road trip.

Jeanna said...

The schoolhouse sampler is the perfect chart for you. Hope you have a safe and enjoyable trip.

Michele McLaughlin said...

I just adore the bee sampler! The little school house sampler is cute too! How big is your pillow bowl? Or do you make it seasonal each month? said...

What a pleasing array of cross stitch samples. . .I recognize Melisa's patterns!