Little Penguin Quilts Through the Year

Little Penguin Quilts Through the Year

Monday, September 9, 2024

Pieces of My Life QAL - Noon and Night

I wasn't sure I could get it done before we left on our trip, but I did!  "It" is the next block of Melva's QAL called "Noon and Night."  There are a lot of half square triangles in this one - lots of cutting, sewing, and trimming.  

And a fairly complicated layout to keep track of while sewing, but I managed to keep everything straight.   Such a pretty block!  The two main prints - the blue and turquoise - came from a scrap bundle I purchased over in Grand Junction a couple weeks ago.  I thought they might work together in this block - the same print of fabric, but different shades.

With this block, we're focusing on our early years as a married couple.  What was it like, adjusting to living together?  I've been thinking about that as I worked on this block.  And I have to say I don't remember it being a hard adjustment.  Although I had been living with my college roommates,  I had spent a fair amount of time at Mike's (soon to be our) apartment, so we were very comfortable shopping, cooking, eating meals, and all that typical stuff.  

I would do my homework for classes while he watched football or basketball games on Sunday afternoons, and whenever we had a free day we went skiing!  That was one of our favorite pastimes, and it was pretty affordable back then, too.   I could not think where there might be a picture from back in those days of us skiing, so don't have one to share.  I guess we didn't carry a tiny phone with a camera in it everywhere we went back in the 1970s!

So I also picked the fabric for this block because the print on it reminded me of snowflakes!

After I graduated from CSU, we moved here to Loveland, and lived in another apartment for about a year.  Then we bought our house, where we still live today - 47 years later! 

We joke that we bought a brand new house and it turned into a fixer-upper!  We've done many of the usual things - replaced windows, the roof (twice!), and repainted, changed the landscaping numerous times, and the trees have definitely grown.   And about 1985, we built an addition on the back of the house.  It expanded us from two to three bedrooms, and gave us a dining/family room.  Very helpful space with two growing boys!  (But I'll save those stories for another post!) 

Home Sweet Home!

Sharing at Quiltfabrication for Midweek Makers. 


Linda said...

What a beautiful block! Those fabrics are gorgeous, and I love that you put those two shades together. Nicely done! How fun to read about your early life, and it is so nice that you have lived in the same house for so long. If I could choose a house to have stayed in, it would be one about 50 miles south of us, in Richardson. We lived there from 1978-1983. We often talk about how we wish we had never moved from it. But we moved with the job.
Hope you have a great trip!

Carole @ From My Carolina Home said...

What great memories. We have moved several times over our married life, once halfway across the country back home to NC. Your home looks a lot like our first home, only our garage was at a right angle to the front door.

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

Due to military we moved 8 times in our first 8 years of marriage - sometimes it was same time place but different apartment but after that we moved to Arkansas and while settling in until we found our house it was two more moves and then here for 43 years. I guess we got done with moving. Your quilt block looks great.

Anonymous said...

Such a pretty block! Great fabric choices. We moved a lot at first. Different places in Rapid City, then a stint in Springfield SD while Mr Busy went to trade school, back to Rapid then a short while in Nogales AZ, back to Rapid then to Gillette. We have been in Gillette 47 years, this house 38 years. I don’t remember many difficult times, mostly we adjusted pretty well! Hope you have a fantastic vacation!!

PaintedThread said...

Pretty block. Wow - I thought Mom had been in her place a long time (38 years). It must be a happy home to have remained there that long. :-) said...

I agree that your block is beautiful! What a story about your home! I laughed about the brand new home turning into a fixer upper. . that is what happens over time!

Libby in TN said...

We celebrated 43 years married (46 together) last week, too.

Alycia~Quiltygirl said...

Love it!! How fun you've been in the same house - i bet you have seen a lot of changes in the area too.

Kat Scribner said...

Your block turned out perfect, Diann. It is a great design.

Kate said...

Beautiful block! You did well at picking the fabrics, it just shimmers, like a snowflake. It is hard to remember those early days of our marriage. We got married and My Guy had to go back to grad school so we didn't even live together for 2 years. We joke that's one reason we are still married, he didn't have to put up with me as a newly wed!