Little Penguin Quilts Through the Year

Little Penguin Quilts Through the Year

Saturday, June 8, 2024

Slow Stitching for a Sunday

I was hoping I might be hand sewing the binding down on this quilt today, but I'm still quilting it.

I actually just have the light green sections left to quilt - top and left side - so it's not too much.  It's still possible I could get to the binding this afternoon! 

Meanwhile, I did stitch up the June section for Woven Wreaths.  It went pretty quickly last Sunday.  Isn't that a sweet little bee?

When that was finished, I traced the June heart from "A Year of Hearts" at PinkernPunkin Quilting and have been working on it the last few evenings.  I love the purple coneflowers - I should plant some of those in my garden!  Some cute little bees on this one, too.

Sharing at Kathy's Quilts for Slow Sunday Stitching.


Anonymous said...

It’s always fun to visit your blog and see your lovely projects! I’m sure you are hand stitching the binding on your star quilt by now and will soon have a finished quilt to show us. Cute embroideries too! Gail at the cozy quilter

Linda said...

Your mmm quilt is SO pretty Diann, I think it might be the prettiest one I've seen you make. But I have a lot of favorites. ;) You do such a nice job of coloring your embroidery cloths!

Kate said...

The quilting is going well on your stars, I like those double lines youve used in the dark green and blue sections. Your bee hive heart is coming along beautifully. Fingers crossed you get to binding the quilt really soon.

Carole @ From My Carolina Home said...

Your star quilt is coming along nicely. I love that heart stitchery. said...

For me, quilting always takes its own journey and it often goes on longer than I had envisioned. In the end, finishing the quilting feels great. You've made great progress on this project. I do hope that you will be binding it today!

Vicki in MN said...

Oh yes you need to plant some purple coneflowers!! I love mine and they are maintenance free:))

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

your star quilt turned out wonderful! the colors look really great together

Sarah said...

You always have such lovely projects on the go! Hope you can make a start on your binding soon.

Angela said...

Such gorgeous stitching projects!

grammajudyb said...

Your June Watering Can looks fabulous! I’m still working on mine! Someone, who shall remain nameless, keeps interrupting me! LOL! The coneflower bee stitch is going to 🐝 so cute!

Karrin Hurd said...

Great work on the watering can! The quilt is beautiful!

Kim said...

You have lots of pretty projects to while away your Sunday as you stitch. Your quilt is gorgeous, Diann.

Nann said...

I've been admiring your star quilt in every stage. Nearly finished now!

Linda @ kokaquilts said...

Such a great star quilt, not far to go til it's finished now. And such sweet embroideries.