Little Penguin Quilts Through the Year

Little Penguin Quilts Through the Year

Wednesday, June 5, 2024

I Like Thursday #390

June has come in like it's full on summer already - nice and warm!  I do love summer, so I'm not complaining.  My petunias are happy about this nice warm weather, too!

I had not made homemade macaroni and cheese in years, so decided to try that for dinner the other night.  I used a really easy, basic recipe, found here, and it turned out to be very good!

Quite a bit of my sewing time in the last week has been devoted to finishing up my Luminous Layers quilt (See yesterday's post), but sometimes you need a break from that, so I decided to play with these little flag blocks that Melisa shared.  I was also inspired by Julierose's version.  They are sweet and simple to make, and use scraps - my favorite way to sew.  I'm thinking I'll make enough for a tablerunner - so maybe three more.  Then a decision about will work for sashing and borders.

LeeAnna's question of the week is about how we like to spend our free time.  Do we feel the need to be constantly busy, getting things done, or do we rest to recharge?  I have to admit that I am pretty much an introvert and like to be home and not too busy.  I enjoy some group activities with my good friends here, like my book club and meeting friends for a walk.  

But if there are too many activities in a day or a week, I get kind of out of whack.  I crave "down time!"  This is why I enjoy blogging so much - I can interact with you all in my own way and from home!  No need to join a group!   I spend a lot of my down time reading and just finished a book I could not put down.

This is a historical fiction story about a woman 
who lived in Maine in the 1700s and was a midwife.  
I found the story fascinating!

Joining in with I Like Thursday at Not Afraid of Color.



Susie H said...

I'm enjoying this book so much right now too! I don't want to put it down (I'm under 50 pages left) but I've got a library book on hold that will be available in 12 days. I doubt I'll be able to stretch "Frozen River" out that long! Ha!

PS I love the relationship between Martha & Ephraim!

Anonymous said...

I loved this book too! My daughter gave it to me for Christmas. Isn’t it funny how we can make so many projects with our scraps but we never use them up? Our flowers are growing like crazy right now. Lots of rain and warm/hot weather here. Gail at the cozy quilter

Linda said...

I like those little flag blocks, I'll have a look at the link you included. I'm so much like you. When we have a commitment away from home every day (like this week), I get out of sorts. I long for peace and quiet and stretches of time to "piddle" in my room or bake in the kitchen or pull a weed or two in the garden. Your book looks good! I'm into Colony Mars right now - it is a different book for me, and all I want to do is sit and read it!

Vicki in MN said...

I too am an introvert and like being home and sewing away. To many appointments and being on the go stresses me out! I don't really enjoy going out to shop anymore.

Kate said...

Homemade Mac and Cheese? YUM! Those little flag blocks are really cute. I'm trying to decide on some scrap project to use up all those strips I've been cutting my scraps into. That would be a fun option.

grammajudyb said...

I think you probably described many of us. Basically introverted, wanting to be at home. That’s me too. It’s a stretch to get involved in groups. Those flags will make a cute tablerunner. July is just around the corner.

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

I had not read that book I will put it on my list it looks like something I would read. I haven't made homemade mac/cheese in years this recipe looks easier than some I see that call for 3 or 4 different kind of cheeses, some of which I never have. said...

I've that book on my reading list. I just finished listening to :The Larger Queen of Minnesota by J Ryan Stradel. It was a good read, I can't remember where I heard about . . .maybe from you? I like your little flag blocks. I enjoy the quiet of my home and enjoy blogging for much of the same reasons as you!

Angela said...

I am the same as you. I guess that is why I enjoy blogging too! Your petunias look so pretty in that pot. Great colour combination!

PaintedThread said...

That mac and cheese looks good! Love the little flags.

Michele McLaughlin said...

so many recipes for mac and cheese at exotic doo-dads. I like your recipe and bookmarked it. The one thing my family has always done (nana, mom, me) is go through and throw any cheese we have in the fridge in ours. I'm loving that flag block! What a great idea! Have a great weekend!

piecefulwendy said...

Those flag blocks are cute! Like you, I enjoy my online community, where I can chatter away from the comfort of my favorite chair. Thanks for the tip on the book!

Chrisknits said...

I never ate Mac N Cheese until I was in my 20's!! So stupid! Lovely progress on your scrap piecing and bigger projects.

Paulette said...

That looks like a good book for my summer "reading on the deck" time. I'm going to check it out! I, too, am an introvert who enjoys a lot of down time with nothing on the schedule. Oh...mac and cheese...I miss it (darn gluten and lactose intolerance)!