Little Penguin Quilts Through the Year

Little Penguin Quilts Through the Year

Tuesday, March 18, 2025

Midweek Update

I've been keeping busy in the sewing room this week, and accomplished everything I was hoping to when I wrote my midweek post last week.  Quilting is finished on the Stay at Home Round Robin, and binding is being stitched.  It will be ready to share just in time for the final quilt parade next week!

Two sixteen patch star blocks were made for the March color in the Rainbow Scrap Challenge - yellow.  I expanded into the sandy/gold range and really like that one, too.

It wasn't on my list, but I even made some more progress on quilting Masala Box.  There's no goal or deadline for finishing this one, but it would sure feel good to get it completed.  Getting closer!

There's always something to distract me from quilting ⬆️, though, and this week it is a block tutorial I found on The Colorful Fabriholic blog.  I just *had to* try it, lol!  Dancing Plus blocks - these look fun!

First you make the plus block (as is, it measures about 7.5 inches) - and then you cut it with a 6.5 inch ruler to make it dance!

I'll definitely be making more of these blocks.  The center plus section can be made with a 5 inch charm square, and I have a drawer full of those.   This could be a good way to use them up!

Sharing at The Inquiring Quilter for Wednesday Wait Loss.
And at Alycia Quilts for Finished or Not Friday!


Anonymous said...

You have had a productive week! Your SAHRR backing is so pretty! It will be ready to hang for Easter! Nice to get the Masala box quilt closer to being done too. Our guild is having a quilt show in May and I have a few tops to quilt to put them in the show. I need to put the pedal to the metal! Gail at the cozy quilter

Kate said...

You've definitely had a productive week. I saw Carol's post on the dancing plus blocks. Looks like you've got another fun scrap buster project.

Pam said...

I too was distracted by the dancing plus block. Saw it. Made one. Suggested it become our next group made quilt blocks for a donation quilt. And now that's the plan! I love that I can forward the tutorial to everyone in the group. 😊

Jeanna said...

You've had a great sewing week, Diann. Congrats on almost being completely finished with your SAHRR. The Masala Box quilt is gorgeous, I love the fabrics. I understand the distraction with the dancing plus blocks. They look addicting.

Nann said...

It feels great to have a variety of projects to completion, doesn't it?

grammajudyb said...

I’m so glad you will have your SAHRR ready for the parade. Mine will not be finished. But the back is constructed, and possible binding fabric pulled.

Jennifer Fulton Inquiring Quilter said...

Wow what a great week you've had, making progress on so many lovely projects! Can't wait to celebrate the finishes with you. Thanks for sharing on my weekly show and tell, Wednesday Wait Loss. said...

That dancing block looks like fun! You are having a terrific week! Keep it up!

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

love the box quilt looks like it will be done soon.

Jocelyn is Canadian Needle Nana said...

Your blocks are all so wonderful and that new one is an interesting beauty, Diann. Wish I enjoyed sewing on a machine more, sigh.

Libby in TN said...

I was tempted by those dancing plus blocks, too! I thought they might be good for RSC. But that will have to wait while I catch up on other projects.

Melisa- pinkernpunkinquilting said...

You have made great progress, Diann. Woo Hoo! I hope this week is just as productive. I have always admired your Masala Box quilt. I am going to have to put that on my To Do list . And those Dancing Pluses- How adorable! Happy quilting. Hugs.

Vicki in MN said...

Your projects are moving along nicely! I too saw the dancing plus block and thought I need to put that on my to do list as it looks fun.

Astrid said...

You've been busy and accomplished a lot. Looking forward to see your SAHRR. Pretty star blocks and I love your Masala Box quilt. Looks like you are almost done with the quilting. That block looks fun to make.

Linda said...

I'm looking forward to the "parade" of SAHRRs. Those dancing blocks are just too cute!

Rebecca Grace said...

Lovely projects, Diann, and I enjoyed seeing a glimpse of "where the magic happens," with your Masala Box quilting underway at your sewing machine!

Alycia~Quiltygirl said...

I am impressed. Usually I make lists then forget what I wrote on them!! I really like your yellow star blocks - and the masala - it is quite pretty!!!

Laura said...

I bet it feels great to move projects forward! I really like the dancing plus block...thanks for sharing the link! :)