I love green! It has always been my favorite color, so when LeeAnna asked about green this week, I decided to dedicate my whole Thursday post to green.
How about green vegetables? This asparagus and mushroom stir fry was quite tasty. It was an easy recipe - asparagus, mushrooms, olive oil and your favorite seasonings.
It was my turn to host book club this month, so how about green plates and napkins for March?
Peanut butter cookies (always my favorite)
and dark chocolate almonds for treats - yum!
We read an interesting book for this month's discussion - A Patchwork Planet, by Anne Tyler. The main character is Barnaby, who is described as a loveable loser who's trying to get his life together.
The title of the book comes from a quilt that one of the characters was making. I loved this quote from the story:
"Planet Earth was makeshift and haphazard,
clumsily cobbled together, overlapping and crowded and
likely to fall to pieces at any moment."
I have made quite a few green things for our house over the years. You can tell these placemats have been used and washed over and over! My favorite shade of green is in the top placemat - what would you call that shade? Maybe emerald green.
I'm so glad Spring is on its way - that mean lots of green coming in the near future!
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