Happy first day of Spring, friends! Hope you're having a good week! A few days ago, I enjoyed going to our local museum for an exhibit of Hawaiian quilts.
I had never seen a Hawaiian quilt in person, and was amazed at how huge most of them are. And all hand stitched, too. I think this one might be my favorite. It has got to be king-sized, although the dimensions were not listed.
I didn't take a lot of photos, but this one has a view of the room as we saw it. Most of these quilts would probably be considered antiques - they were dated between the 1890s and 1920s. All from the collection of one couple who love Hawaii and decided to focus on those particular quilts. Some were stained and faded, and had definitely been used!
I finished this book which I really liked! It is WWII historical fiction, about two girls who are evacuated from London to the Oxford area. It is a good story!
LeeAnna's question of the week is about our birth order. What is it like to be oldest, youngest, etc? I am the oldest of four siblings - two sisters, and my brother is the youngest. Here we are in a Christmas photo from about 1963. I'm guessing that year because my brother looks about two and we are seven years apart. When I was in 3rd grade, my parents got our piano (which still resides in my living room!) and I got glasses. Aren't they stylish?! 😜
I have found being the oldest to be a bit of a double-edged sword. Growing up, of course, you get many of the firsts - first to get piano lessons, could stay up later, go out with friends, drive first. My parents paid me to babysit the younger ones, so I could earn money early on. Now that we are older, though, and our mom needs care, all the responsibility has fallen on me. I have to admit that can be stressful at times - and that's when I wish I wasn't the oldest!
I'm the youngest and my two brothers probably feel I was spoiled rotten.
The Hawaiian Quilt exhibit looks like a good one. Some very stunning quilts there. Being the oldest does have it's good and bad sides. How is your mother doing these days?
The Hawaiian quilts look so interesting. Love that photo of you and your siblings! I was the baby with 2 older brothers, so I was "spoiled". ;) It is interesting about elder care responsibility falling to you. In my case, maybe since I was the girl, that care fell to me. But at that point, one of my brothers had passed away, so it was just my oldest brother and me, and Mom did not get along very well with his wife. ;)
You know I can relate about the oldest's responsibilities. It used to be a good thing, now it's pretty stressful. I took Hawaiian quilting lessons when we were stationed in Hawaii. It is a wonderful art form. Every plant/flower used on their quilts represents something to them. I made a pillow in class and a baby quilt for my niece's newborn. I have a pattern for a bed-sized quilt that I would love to tack one day. We've turned cold & windy today so I think I'll concentrate on the kona breezes that we used to enjoy on the island. Have a wonderful Thursday!
I had those same glasses! And got mine in 3rd grade too.
the Hawaiian quilts are interesting but I never felt like learning how to make one. I am the 3rd oldest of 12 children so I was one of the ones that did the babysitting, cooking, cleaning, baking, changing diapers, feeding babies - sometimes it can lead to an interesting relationship between siblings. Sometimes because of the age difference you are almost more like a second parent
What a treat to have a quilt exhibit close to home! I'm the older sister and the big sister (20 months and 3" taller).
The quilt exhibit was full of amazing pieces. They look so modern, even though many are antique. I'm also the oldest and completely understand what you mean about wishing I wasn't at times.
Giggles, I had glasses like that too. Oh how I hated them!
I have always admired Hawaiian quilts. What a treat to see them in person. Looks like an amazing exhibit. That is such a sweet photo of you and your siblings. I can relate to you on being the oldest for the same reason . I hope you have a blessed day, Diann. Hugs.
Those quilts look pretty cool. I always enjoy your vintage photos. I wonder what it would be like not to be the eldest, but that's all I know!
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