There's just one Woven Wreath design left to stitch for the month of December - we've been working on this project for 12 months! Today I'll watch the video that Kathy Schmitz always puts out for the monthly designs and then get started working on it.
Little Penguin Quilts Through the Year

Saturday, November 30, 2024
Just one left...
Thursday, November 28, 2024
Wonky Woods...
- a Table Scraps project! I got started on this project when I was digging around in my crumb box and pulled out both dark and light green blocks that I had made sometime while working with green scraps. Since this month's challenge is to incorporate trees into your project, but any choice of color, I decided to make flying geese blocks out of the crumbs.
Tuesday, November 26, 2024
Midweek Update and Happy Thanksgiving!
Saturday, November 23, 2024
Sunday's Slow Stitching
I've hand stitched a lot of binding this week - finishing up the patchwork heart mini to send to my friend and also "All Zipped Up," my Rainbow Scrap Challenge zipper block quilt.
Thursday, November 21, 2024
A finish to share!
My Zipper quilt is "All Zipped Up" this week! (Thank you, Kate at Life in Pieces, for the name idea!) I had to look back a ways on the blog to see when I started making these blocks, and it was all the way back in February of 2023. I had seen these blocks on several blogs, and found the original design at Klein Meisje Quilts. It was one of those "I just want to try a couple of these blocks" projects!
Wednesday, November 20, 2024
I Like Thursday #414
November in my garden looks like this:
Tuesday, November 19, 2024
Midweek Update
It's time for Block 22 out of 24 that we need for the Pieces of My Life QAL at Melva Loves Scraps. After this final 12 inch block, there are two 6 inch blocks still to be made and then I'll have to really get serious about the final construction of this quilt project! Block 22 is Jacob's Ladder.
Saturday, November 16, 2024
Slow stitching this week...
I took some time away from other projects this week to make a mini heart quilt for a friend. You can read a little more about its story in my Saturday post. Hand quilting this little project has been my slow stitching for the last few evenings. It's about ready for the binding now.
Friday, November 15, 2024
Playing with the crumbs...
I got some news earlier this week that you never want to get. A dear friend who I have known since kindergarten, was diagnosed with ovarian cancer.
Feeling the need to do something for her, I dug out my box of crumb scraps and looked for all the reds. Some were already sewn together, so they were definitely invited!
Wednesday, November 13, 2024
I Like Thursday #413
My blog is pretty much a politics free zone, so I will just say this as my response to the election results:
Tuesday, November 12, 2024
Midweek Update
I am doing lots of "adulting" this week, and it takes up valuable sewing time! Monday morning was my yearly Wellness exam with the doctor. Even though it was only scheduled for 30 minutes it felt like it took up the whole morning! In the afternoon I went to my book club discussion group which is purely for pleasure, but, no time for sewing! Then today (Tuesday) groceries were needed and I spent a bunch of time on the phone scheduling a mammogram and a bone density test. Tomorrow I get to go for a blood draw and get a haircut. Somewhere in there I need to visit my mom!
So, what's a quilter to do when there's not much sewing machine time? I popped in to my LQS and did a little stash enhancement! It's time to work on a Christmas gift project for my quilt group gift exchange. I have a plan for it, but needed some holiday fabric. Here's what I came home with:
Saturday, November 9, 2024
Slow stitching for a Sunday
Tomorrow is one of my favorite days of the month - my book club meets! For November's discussion we read Crow Talk by Eileen Garvin. If you haven't read this book, I definitely recommend it. It's a good story about women and their friendships, family, and crows! I learned so much about crows from this book - they are fascinating birds. So I decided to stitch some crows!