I must have needed flowers and sunshine this week, or maybe that was just an excuse to play with more yellow scraps, because that's what I did! It all started with an orphan Dresden sunflower that I originally made for my Scrappy Sprouts quilt, but didn't end up using. And then a need to play with string blocks was thrown into the mix!
Little Penguin Quilts Through the Year

Friday, February 26, 2021
A Little More with Yellow
Wednesday, February 24, 2021
I Like Thursday #224 - Friends
I am a lucky woman, blessed, you might say. I have some special friends, women I worked with during my teaching career, who have become lifelong friends. Even though we don't work together anymore, we enjoy meeting for coffee and meals, going for walks, talking about books, and keeping up with each other's lives.
The reason I'm telling you this is because I lost one of these women this week. This is a picture of the seven of us from a few years back. We used to celebrate the end of the school year with a dinner out at our favorite restaurant. I'm back there on the right by the window, and Holly is right next to me. Holly lost her battle with brain cancer this week.
Monday, February 22, 2021
To-Do Tuesday #78
Happy Tuesday! I'm checking in with Chris and friends at Chrisknits to share my to-do list for the week. Considering I had to take my sewing machine in for repair last Tuesday, and I'm taking it back today for the actual repair to take place, it hasn't been too bad of a week! (wink!)
So what did I get done?
- The quilt I'm working on for the Salt and Sand blog hop in March is spray basted and ready to quilt. I'll wait and see if my Pfaff actually does get fixed before I start the quilting.
- I worked on Round 5 of the Stay at Home Round Robin project and made wonky stars. I shared what I thought this round would look like in yesterday's post. Here's a look at one corner:
- Work on the Stay at Home Round Robin project - star round and log cabin round.
- Quilt the blog hop project - hopefully!
- Continue with the squirrel project.
Sunday, February 21, 2021
Stay at Home Round Robin Update
Making wonky stars this week for Round 5:
Friday, February 19, 2021
All Over the Place!
It's been a little bit of this and a little bit of that all week long at my house. You can tell by looking at my design wall!
Wednesday, February 17, 2021
I Like Thursday #223
Sunrise on a frigid Monday morning this week - minus 10 degrees!
Monday, February 15, 2021
To-Do Tuesday #77
Happy Tuesday! Hope you're staying warm! I'm checking in with my weekly to-do list to share what I've accomplished and what's coming up next.
This past week I was able to get all caught up on my Stay at Home Round Robin project, rounds 3 and 4! But I'm looking for some advice. Should I leave the dark blue/green cornerstones as is, or should I replace them with the lighter green to keep that green going around the corners?
- Unfortunately, yesterday afternoon, my sewing machine started acting up and I have to take it in to the shop today. Hopefully it will be a quick fix!
- Once the sewing machine is back, I'll be working on the border of my SAHRR. This week it's wonky stars! That ought to be fun!
- Quilting the blog hop project is the other big thing on the list.
- Other miscellaneous sewing will probably happen - depending on the sewing machine!
Sunday, February 14, 2021
Stay at Home Round Robin Update
A week ago, I was not quite done with Round 3 - flying geese. So, of course, my first job this week was to finish sewing that border.
Saturday, February 13, 2021
Slow stitching this week...
I'm getting ready for the newest Hand-Pieced QAL called Harmony, which starts up on February 22nd. It's designed again by Patty of Elm Street Quilts and Kristin of Simple.Handmade.Everyday. I've bought the pattern and chosen a fat quarter bundle called "Camping" that I bought from Bernie's shop, Needle and Foot.
Friday, February 12, 2021
Table Scraps in Yellow
I'm on a quest this year to use up some of these charm squares I've accumulated in the last few years. Some are full charm packs and others are left from a partially used charm pack.
Wednesday, February 10, 2021
I Like Thursday #222
Wow! My 222nd week of sharing all the things I've found to like with LeeAnna and friends at Not Afraid of Color for "I Like Thursday." That's over four years! It's been a fun way to share things on my quilting blog that aren't always about quilting, plus make some new blogging friends. Thanks for sticking with me all this time!