Little Penguin Quilts Through the Year

Little Penguin Quilts Through the Year

Wednesday, January 29, 2025

I Like Thursday #422

Why is it when you decide to sort through and organize a storage area, especially one from your sewing room, you get a bigger mess than you started with?  This is a three drawer storage unit that I've had for a long time.  It's one of those places where you stuff something in and close the drawer.  I decided to clean it out.  I got through the first drawer!

There were a bunch of charm squares - from different fabric lines - 
some go together and some don't.  What do you do with those?
There were also a bunch of of orphan blocks - the type you make when you're trying something out before making the real thing.
Lots of other junk in there, too - some of it I threw away, some I put back in the drawer.  
Clearly, I didn't get very far!  

Here's one of the orphan blocks.  No it's not a black and white picture!  I made this gray heart when I was working on the crumb hearts quilt.  At first I thought it was going to be the final heart for the quilt, but I didn't end up liking it.  So it went in the drawer.

Now I'm going to make it into a little something - and a pink border will dress it up and make it a lot cuter.

Sewing those borders on was way more fun than cleaning out a drawer!  (wink!)

I have a new favorite tea - Country Peach Passion from Celestial Seasonings.  It smells so good, and tastes yummy, too.  Very good with muffins fresh out of the oven on a cold and snowy day!

And a good book to share this week, too - Louise Penny's most recent in the Inspector Gamache series.  It's a page turner!

More about it on Goodreads here.

Hope you're having a great week!  Joining in with Not Afraid of Color for I Like Thursday.



Pam said...

Yes! Cleaning out and organizing is not as much fun as working on a sewing project. But moving anything forward is a win!

Linda said...

How fun that rejected (but pretty) block got new life! Your muffins look yummy.
I went to bed watching TV and turned it on immediately this morning. Such a tragic plane crash.

Danice G said...

Same here. Organizing does seem to create more stuff sometimes. The grey heart with a pink border looks pretty. I would have never thought to add a colored border (very creative).

Carole @ From My Carolina Home said...

Seems like when I pull stuff out like that, it won't all go back in the drawer either. Nice little mat to use that orphan block. Pink and grey go well together.

Kate said...

Cleaning out sewing room drawers is dangerous. I keep hoping that as I work down my UFOs, I'll have more time to deal with the other stuff. Making something from the heart is definitely a good idea. Enjoy your book and your stitching time.

Vicki in MN said...

In the process of cleaning it always is a mess since one has to dig everything out and then decide what to do with it.I have several areas that need to be gone through, but what do I do with stuff I no longer use, to good to throw out and don't know who would want/use it either! Thinking it is time to sell one of my knitting machines, that will be a job to get all the accessories rounded up!

Angela said...

Cleaning out can be daunting! I have to be in the right mood for it. I did a huge clear out in the fall. It definitely feels good.

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

I keep telling myself I need to clean out more spaces and dread the thought but they really do need it. I'm about ready to get a big black trash bag out at times so I can't see what I dump LOL

PaintedThread said...

My to-do list has a note to go through the drawers (and fridge!) to clean out stuff. Ugh. The heart really looks like you took a B&W photo. Wild. Looking forward to the Grey Wolf - it's slowly moving to the top of my reading list. said...

I like how your brightened that gray heart! Every scrap project of mine is that way. . .it makes a bigger mess than what I started with!!! I'm on the list to listen to Louise Penny's latest novel. .. in about four and a half months is my estimated wait time!!

MissPat said...

The pink border definitely livened up the heart block. I just finished Grey Wolf and I think it is one of the best in the series (others have complained that the residents of Three Pines weren't included very much).
I have so many scraps sorted so many ways, that I'm thinking of dumping them in a big bag and giving them away. I seem to spend all my time dealing with scraps. Kind of like my gardens which have bworn out their welcome with me. Another place that needs reducing.

Nancy @ Grace and Peace Quilting said...

That pink border really transformed that grey block!!!

Deb A said...

Pink sets off that grey heart perfectly! I had to rummage through drawers looking for coloring pencils today. I found some, but took a while. We won't mention all the projects I saw as I was looking! Think I'll head to the sewing room and see what trouble I can get into!

Sandra Walker said...

Sewing over cleaning any day in my world! As you know I am about to start The Grey Wolf tonight when I head to bed shortly where I always read for at least a half hour. Two people have said how very good it is. Nice to know someone else has a 'Lonely Blocks Club' drawer :-)

grammajudyb said...

Ooh! I need to do some drawer clean out. I’m terrible at actually tossing away. Instead, I’ve started a covered box where I will put things for The Boutique at our quilt show in October. Sewing/craft things that I don’t want, but someone might be able to use. I like the pink border on the gray block.

Jeanna said...

I love the pink border on the heart orphan block. Thanks for the book recommendation!