Little Penguin Quilts Through the Year

Little Penguin Quilts Through the Year

Wednesday, November 11, 2020

I Like Thursday #209

 Happy Thursday, friends!  I'm joining in with LeeAnna and friends for I Like Thursday, over at Not Afraid of Color.  You can find all kinds of fun posts linked up there where we share a positive spin on the week!

First of all, Happy Veterans Day to my favorite veteran!

This photo was taken at a favorite place of ours near Cannon Beach, Oregon.
So amazingly beautiful there!  We've missed visiting the ocean this year.

Needing something simple and pretty mindless to work on this week, I decided to sew some neutral string blocks.  I've been using phone book pages for the foundation, so the paper has to be taken off, and I'm finding that process quite enjoyable!  :)

We'll call it paper-ripping therapy, lol! 

We enjoyed a day up in the mountains last week, and came across these Rocky Mountain Bighorn  sheep on the drive back down the canyon.

I think there are actually three in that picture.  
What impressed us were the ram's huge horns!

If you are in need of some sweet, feel-good movies to watch, I have some to recommend!  Both of these were found on Netflix.

This one is about an Indian family who immigrates to France and decides to open a restaurant, right across the street from a snooty French restaurant!  I enjoyed learning about the Five Mother Sauces of Classical Cuisine!

The other movie is this one - a Netflix Christmas movie, based on the true story of the Christmas drop of supplies that has been done out of Anderson Air Force Base on Guam for almost 70 years.

A good friend of ours and his family were stationed on Guam when he was in the Air Force many years ago, so we enjoyed seeing what it looked like there and what they did.  The storyline of the movie wasn't too bad either!

I loved this book, too - definitely recommend it!  I'll let Goodreads tell you about it at the link below.

Thanks for visiting!  Hope you have a great day!


grammajudyb said...

The big horn sheep always impress me too! There is one particular ram that wandered into my brother’s back hillside this week. I’ll get his permission and share it on my blog soon.
Thanks for the movie recommendations. I’ll add them to my notebook.

Michele McLaughlin said...

I love the 100 feet movie too! Your string blocks look great! Have a safe and happy week!

Linda said...

Be sure to thank your veteran for me for his service! What a view of those sheep. Do you get out and hike on your drives?
We watched that Hundred Foot Journey movie years ago and really enjoyed it. I call them sappy movies, and they are my very favorites, especially during this time of year.

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

I love the sheep and love spotting them - last ones we saw was a herd of them in Nevada in a really rocky area and some just a few days before that when we were in Utah. We missed traveling this year too - I will need to look up the movies you mention. One thing I can do with out for foundation paper piecing is ripping out the darn papers

piecefulwendy said...

A fun gathering of things once again. Thank your veteran for me too, for his service. The Hundred Foot Journey is such a fun movie. I need to check out the other one. Nice photo of the bighorns!

The Joyful Quilter said...

Thanks for the movie and book recommendations, Diann!

Anonymous said...

Thank you for the book recommendation Diann, I will check it out! I had another blogger I follow recommend an author that I ended up being shocked at the amount of vulgarity and profanity it contained. I can handle a little bit but that was ridiculous. I was surprised she had recommended it. ALways on the lookout for good books, especially inspiring ones or ones that make you think. :)

Sherrie said...

What a awesome idea for paper for your strips...I've never seen the Mountain Bighorn in person...they look so majestic. Haven't seen your movies, but I'll be checking them out. Your book went on my TBR list..sounds a little mysterious. Have a great day!

Roseanne said...

Hi Diann! Great recommendations you've shared today. And that picture of your favorite Veteran is so nice. It looks like it was a fabulous day. I can't help but think of a series of books by C.J. Box whenever I see Bighorn Mountain sheep. The character is a game warden and often talks about them and other animals near Yellowstone and in Wyoming. Happy Thursday to you, my friend. ~smile~ Roseanne said...

Great picture of the sheep. Awe now I am homesick for Oregon and Cannon Beach. I agree paper piecing, tearing off the papers is very therapeutic. I loved that movie The Hundred Foot Journey. Now I may have to read that book.

PaintedThread said...

Fun likes! Happy belated veteran's day to your vet! Paper ripping therapy - there IS something soothing about doing that. The neck muscles on that sheep must be impressive to hold up those horns!

dq said...

This was definitely a happy post. I checked out the goodreads book and added it to my to read list.

It is great that you mentioned some good movies to watch on Netflix. I always get stuck in a series.

Bernie Kringel said...

I remember the Hundred Foot Journey - that was a cute movie. Love the picture of the ram. Really impressive!! Fun post Diann. :-)

LA Paylor said...

I loved that movie!!! going to look for the book, and what a great pic of MIke, lucky you to get to get out to a park on the water
second sheep I saw today!

Kate said...

It's sad that many of us have not been able to visit favorite places this year. You've made the best of it, your mountain walk looks like it was a lot of fun. Thanks for the movie suggestions. I'll be stitching a lot the week of Thanksgiving, so I'll need some new stuff to watch on Netflix.