Little Penguin Quilts Through the Year

Little Penguin Quilts Through the Year

Sunday, February 4, 2018

Progress and a Squirrel

This week I've made good progress on my oldest son's Yellow Brick Road quilt - blocks sewn into rows and 4 out of 7 rows sewn together.

I love the rich colors of the Grunge fabric I chose for this quilt!  Older son's birthday is in April, so that's my goal for getting this quilt finished up.

Meanwhile, the squirrels (who are endlessly entertaining out in our yard!), have also been keeping me distracted in my sewing room!

In my Thursday post, I mentioned playing with some hearts after seeing Janice's sweet "I Heart You" mini, designed by Alison at Cluck, Cluck Sew.  I decided to use some pieces out of a layer cake of Hello Darling by Bonnie and Camille.  Although I originally had other plans for this layer cake, I decided it had been closed up in a drawer for way too long, and deserved to come out and be used for something!

After making the four hearts that were needed, I got the top put together.  I love the way the hearts overlap each other!

I used some leftover bits from the hearts and a few other pieces from the layer cake to piece a backing.  I really like the strawberry print, but it doesn't show up much in the smallest heart on the front, so at least you can see it on the back!

I'm hoping to finish up the quilting this afternoon, and plan to have the binding ready for a little Slow Sunday Stitching during the Super Bowl! 

Hope you're enjoying your Sunday!  I'll be sharing over at Quilting is More Fun than Housework for Oh Scrap!


Libby in TN said...

That is so sweet. Your choice of fabric collection is perfect, too.

chrisknits said...

If you keep showing that sweet heart project I am going to have to cut out reds to follow suit! Adorable!

Vicki in MN said...

Wow you really went to town on the grunge quilt, I am really liking it a lot! You'll have that done way before April!

gayle said...

Sweet hearts! Enjoy your stitching!

Kathy E. said...

You are a busy quilter! Your son will love his Yellow Brick Road quilt as those fabrics and colors are so "manly" and those overlapping hearts are so sweet! Yes, it was time to bring out that Bonnie & Camille fabric....perfect!

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

love your colors for yellow brick road

Mary in Peoria Handmade said...

Wow- I can't believe how quickly your Yellow Brick Road went together already. Love me some grunge!
mary in Az

Jeanne said...

Those hearts are charming! said...

Wow that turned out awesome. Love the grunge, but the hearts steal the show.

Ivani said...

WOW Sweet Hearts ♥♥♥♥ Diann, I will check the pattern.
Happy Slow Sunday Stitching!!

Cynthia Brunz Designs said...

I have always loved that pattern. I really like it with the Bonnie and Camille fabric. Thanks for linking up with Oh Scrap!

The Joyful Quilter said...

CUTE!!! I saw that pattern. Nearly had a squirrel moment, myself!

Cathy said...

Isn't that cute! I like how the hearts overlap too. And the strawberry fabric.

Hmmm...I'm trying to use all my holiday fabrics this year so maybe I should look at my valentine fabrics...

Linda said...

Such a darling valentine project! Love the way your son's quilt is looking too. :)

Anonymous said...

Wasn't that game AMAZING? Hope you got your binding all done during that fun time. Your mini is really cute. I love the fabrics you chose for your squirrel! :D

Karen S said...

Great work on your son's quilt. The colours re working so well together.
And the hearts are looking lovely, too.