Little Penguin Quilts Through the Year

Little Penguin Quilts Through the Year

Wednesday, November 15, 2023

I Like Thursday #362

Happy Thursday, friends!  We've passed the midpoint of November already - hard to believe it will be Thanksgiving in a week.  I am looking forward to having our older son home, and our whole family in the house together for a few days.  It's been awhile since we were all together.

This week, I liked that the weather here is still letting my group of friends play golf!  We had a beautiful day for it on Tuesday.

This week's air fryer success was salmon - so yummy!  We made teriyaki bowls out of it.  We also cooked some cod in the air fryer for fish tacos, and it was tasty, too.  

Carole, at From My Carolina Home, had a fun post the other day about holiday books to enjoy, and I have already read one from her list.  A sweet and fairly short story about some women who start as strangers, but end up making a quilt for a family needing some love and support.

I got this far on Mr. McGobble last night, and was quite pleased with my progress, plus thought the "Gob, Gob" was kind of cute and funny, so I stopped and took a photo.  But then my pleasure with it turned into an "Uh oh..." when I realized I hadn't cut the cloth wide enough to finish up the rest of the words!!!   Darn!

So, on to Plan B!  I'm ripping out the big font and going to use a smaller font to stitch the words.  It will look a little different than Melisa's design, but have the same idea at least.

Our question of the week is: Would you rather go to Oktoberfest or a pumpkin festival?  I've never been to Oktoberfest, and picture it as mostly an event to celebrate beer, which I don't drink.  Although, there's probably some fun music to listen to, which I would enjoy.  So, I'll pick a pumpkin festival!  Thinking about that reminds me of taking our younger son's Cub Scout den to a pumpkin festival years ago.  They must have been about 8 or 9 years old.  That was a fun event!  

Nowadays I try to plant my own pumpkins every year.  Here's this year's harvest, lol!

Joining in with "I Like Thursday" at Not Afraid of Color.


Melisa- pinkernpunkinquilting said...

It is so nice to hear that you have enjoyed some nice weather this week. I am still fascinated by all of the yummy things that you and your son have cooked in the air fryer. I have told my hubby about yours ; I am thinking we need one for ourselves. LOL. Aaah your Mr . McGobble is so cute. I thought Gob Gob was cute too. You are doing a beautiful job, Diann. Thank you so much. I can not tell you how much your kindness means to me. Happy quilting and stitching.

Carole @ From My Carolina Home said...

Glad you enjoyed the book, I want to give one to all my quilting friends.

Kate said...

The salmon looks really good. Your turkey is looking good, sorry you'll have to do some un-stitching, but it will still be cute with the smaller text. I'm not ready for it to be Thanksgiving, though like you, I am looking forward to spending time with family.

Libby in TN said...

Daytime temps here have been in the 60s, but no golf for me. I've wondered if I would enjoy an air fryer, but I rarely use my Insta-Pot so probably the fryer would just take up space on my counter, too.

Linda said...

I might have to find that book - looks right up my alley. I felt good just looking at the cover - lol! Your "Gob Gob" is adorable, good luck with the ripping. Ripping out cross stitch and embroidery is always hard for me. Your salmon looks delicious! We need to try those bowls.

Deb A said...

I think the turkey with gob gob is adorable! (in case you don't want to unpick!) Salmon is on the menu tonight for the kids and hubby. I'm doing scallops. I'll mention the air fryer to them as an option. That looks like a great book. I'll have to go look for it. Thanks and have a great Thursday.

Quilter Kathy said...

Good thing that our families don't rely on the garden food source to get through the winter! LOL Your pumpkins are so cute!
So frustrating about the Gob Gob spacing issue... great idea to try a smaller font. said...

I've been to an Ocktoberfest and it was fun. There was music and stalls of food and gifts to purchase. I haven't been to a pumpkin festival; but, would like to attend one. Good plan for Gob; but, I like it as it is too!

Angela said...

Your pumpkins are so cute!

Vicki in MN said...

Well shoot I am sorry you had to rip out Gob, Gob! But better to do that now than when you got closer to the finish. I love your little pumpkin harvest!!

grammajudyb said...

Oh fun! You got in some golf! The weather has been pretty lovely! We have much cooler and wind today, but sunny! Piffle about Mr Gobble! At least letters aren’t too labor intensive! That’s a great fix! Enjoy your visit with both your boys! I’m sure it’ll be great fun!
Are those sugar pumpkins? A friend shared a recipe your pumpkin soup that looked good! Using sugar pumpkins!

MissPat said...

You've probably already unpicked the Gobs, but if not, why not just unpick the bottom Gob and replace it with "ble". One gobble just means your turkey is a man of few(er) words. So nice that both sons will be joining you for Thanksgiving.

LA Paylor said...

oh man, I want an air fryer after hearing your dinners

piecefulwendy said...

I have to admit I'm giggling at Gob Gob, and thought maybe you decided to just leave it that way - haha! Your salmon dinner looks very tasty. I don't have an air fryer, but I've been very tempted!

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

I think I would like the pumpkin festival more to - I'm not into beer and polka music. I love the look of the salmon meal! I don't have an air fryer either and have been contemplating one.