Happy 1st of July! As always, it feels to me like the year is flying by. I did a tiny bit of "decorating" for the 4th of July.
Little Penguin Quilts Through the Year

Wednesday, June 30, 2021
I Like Thursday #242
Monday, June 28, 2021
To-Do Tuesday #95
Good morning! I'm checking in with Chris and friends at Chrisknits to share my to-do list for the week.
I have finally finished the quilting on Rainbow Strings!
Saturday, June 26, 2021
A Slowly Stitched Finish and some Positivity Blocks
Over the last several months, I've finished stitching several embroidery designs - two from Gail Pan and three from Kathy Schmitz.
Friday, June 25, 2021
This, that, and one more thing...
I finished up some crumb hearts earlier this week. Two for purple month, and two yellows to catch up so that two hearts are made for each of the RSC colors.
Wednesday, June 23, 2021
I Like Thursday #241
It's Thursday and time to share the stuff that made me smile this week. We have lots of wild rabbits in our neighborhood this year, and daily we see them in our yard. This little guy was enjoying a cool spot, hunkered down in the grass yesterday afternoon.
Monday, June 21, 2021
To-Do Tuesday #94
Good morning! I'm checking in with Chris and friends at Chrisknits to share my to-do list for the week.
I had good success with focusing on one project last week, and did end up finishing Follow the Garden Path, my version of Sandra's Follow Your Own Path quilt along.
- Some purple scraps were sewn into crumb hearts -
- And I got started on some Positivity blocks. My plan is to make them all from scraps, with red pluses and low volume backgrounds.
- It's time to get back to quilting the Rainbow Strings quilt. I'd still like to finish it by the end of the month! Can it be done?
- It would also be great to get more Positivity blocks made. Preeti's QAL schedule says we'll be sharing our progress next Sunday. So my goal is to have some progress to share! 😎
- A few small finishes are on my list. I have some completed embroidery designs that need to be finished off. I think they'll make nice gifts for friends. I don't know if I'll get to them, but I'm going to try!
Friday, June 18, 2021
A Little Bit More with Purple
I said at the beginning of the month that I might have to do a little stash enhancement in order to have enough purple for my various rainbow projects - but I haven't done any shopping yet, and I keep coming up with purple to use!
This week I pulled out this fat quarter and decided it could work for my Full Stop semi-colons. This is one of the few times when my purple looks prettier on screen than in real life, lol! To my eyes this is kind of a brown-purple, like raisins!
Thursday, June 17, 2021
A QAL Finish!
I've been excited all week to finally finish and share my version of Sandra's "Follow Your Own Path" quilt, which I've called "Follow the Garden Path!"
Wednesday, June 16, 2021
I Like Thursday #240 - Staying Cool!
I love summer, but I'm not sure I like...