Are you ready for Spring? I sure am! It has felt like Spring here all week, and to celebrate, I finished up the March heart mini quilt for my table top quilt display stand.
Are you ready for Spring? I sure am! It has felt like Spring here all week, and to celebrate, I finished up the March heart mini quilt for my table top quilt display stand.
I started making Bonnie Hunter's leader/ender blocks last summer when she first shared them, thinking I would I would eventually make enough for a small child's quilt that I could donate somewhere.
What a difference a week makes! Last week, we were cold and snowy - this week temps in the 50s and 60s. Such a pleasant change! It's not time to do yard or garden work in Colorado yet, but one can dream about it. So we purchased a new spinner for the front garden!
I've been playing with kite blocks for a couple days. Kite blocks were the choice for the final border on this year's Stay At Home Round Robin project over at The Darling Dogwood.
I have to admit that I have never made a kite block, nor do I have the Accuquilt to cut the shapes with, but I really wanted to try making some! So, I clicked around on Mr. Google and found this tutorial that was very helpful. Catch That Kite Quilt Block at Scrapdash. Her blocks are made at 6.5 inches, and I wanted mine at 3.5 inches, but adjusting the sizes of the pieces I needed turned out to be easy. A 4 inch square and two 2.5 x 5 inch rectangles worked out perfectly to make these blocks!
I did a lot of slow stitching with red this week, and I used a variegated DMC - 4205 - Caliente. I love stitching with variegated floss! It makes the shape you're stitching fun and interesting to look at.
This week I stitched up the light blue 16 patch star that I cut the pieces for a few weeks ago.
It has been a cold and snowy week here in Colorado, but the critters are still out and about. I love seeing their little footprints in the fresh snow.