Little Penguin Quilts Through the Year

Little Penguin Quilts Through the Year

Wednesday, July 31, 2024

I Like Thursday #399

It's August!  Hard to believe it's here already - but I think I say that every month.  I know it's August because my marigolds are blooming.  In fact, they are taking over this pot that was originally full of purple and white petunias.  I'm going to let them bloom, though, because I love marigolds!

A pumpkin is growing, too!  I think he's looking pretty good.

It's time for school supplies, and my friend, Sue, and I participated in the yearly backpack stuffing event that's run by the Thompson Education Foundation that supports our local school district.  I love this event!

I even made it onto the front page of the newspaper, lol!  (Just accidentally, I think!)

We went and got some breakfast burritos the other day - two were "hot" for the menfolk, and mine was "mild."  Mine got a special little notation on the wrapper!  Definitely made me smile!

Are you watching the Olympics?  My favorite Olympic sport is women's gymnastics.  I have only watched bits and pieces of it, but saw Simone Biles nail a vault the other day.  She's amazing!  

To update you on the wildfire near us: not a lot of new news about it.  It has continued to expand, mostly to the north, I believe, and not toward the city.   The worst news is that three more fires have started in Colorado since yesterday.  I'm not sure what has started them - we haven't had storms with lightning, but it is really hot and dry.

And Mike's cataract surgery went just fine today - just like expected.  He's ready to get the second eye done next Wednesday and be done with all this!

Joining in with I Like Thursday at Not Afraid of Color.


Carole @ From My Carolina Home said...

Glad all went well with Mike's eye surgery! Your pumpkin looks great, will make a great pie or bread. Have a great weekend.

Linda said...

I wondered about Mike's surgery in the middle of the night (couldn't sleep so everything was going through my mind!). He's having his second pretty quickly - we had to wait 2 or 3 weeks! Are you sure you weren't photo-bombing in that pic? ;) I'm excited about your pumpkin. That and the marigolds give me hope there will be fall - can't wait!

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

cataract surgery can be a scary thought - I guess because none of us want anything to go wrong with our eyes - and then we know we worried about nothing in the end. I have been reading of the fires but they do not report much on them but I did hear about the new ones near Denver. That is good to help with the school back packs for kids - hard to believe it is almost that time of year and it is so hot out still. said...

I've watched swimming, rugby, soccer, tennis and of course gymnastics. There have been some great matches, games, personal bests at the Olympics. I too enjoy marigolds. Yours will provide color until a hard frost! Cute pumpkin! Glad Mike's surgery went so well!

Angela said...

I am glad you are safe from the fire! Your little pumpkin is adorable!

Jeanna said...

Happy to hear you and your family are safe from the fires, Diann. I hope the can get those out soon! Also, glad that your husband's surgery went well. Sendng positive vibes for easy recovery.

Melisa- pinkernpunkinquilting said...

I am so glad to hear that Mike's cataract surgery went well. I am sure he is ready for it all to be over with so he can get back into his routine. I wish him the best in his recovery. It is hard to believe that not only it is August but back to school time. Our grandkids registered the other day. Your marigolds look fantastic. I am going to have to make a note to plant some with my petunias. I never thought of that. Have a great day, Diann. Hugs.

Preeti said...

That is the cutest pumpkin ever, except the ones we quilt, sew or embroider. Simone Biles is on fire!!! I am awestruck again and again!

PaintedThread said...

My marigolds are going crazy, too. Also some zinnias that I thought would never sprout has suddenly started popping up in the last week. Very surprising! I like your little pumpkin. Glad the wildfires are leaving you alone and the cataract surgery went well.

Helen said...

I love your pot of marigolds. But, I have a marigold issue. This year and last year I purposefully bought Thumbilina Marigolds which the package said would grow 6-8 inches. Both years, they're 3 feet tall! That doesn't make for a very apprppritate border around the garden! Ok... just needed to rant... I love yours. :)

piecefulwendy said...

Glad to hear Mike's surgery went well. I hope the second eye gets done as easily. I am watching the Olympics in the evenings, too. Sure hope wildfire season finishes soon without much damage!

Susie H said...

Love your marigolds! They are one of my favorite flowers -- need little care and look so cheerful when in bloom. That's a great picture of you & Sue. Glad you had such a great time. I think anytime you do something with a friend, it makes it 10 times more fun. Have a great end to your week.

Kate said...

So glad the fire isn't coming your direction. Hopefully the other fires can be quickly contained. Very pretty flowers. Sounds like you've been busy and having fun.