Little Penguin Quilts Through the Year

Little Penguin Quilts Through the Year

Thursday, September 20, 2018

I Like Thursday - #One Hundred!

Welcome to "I Like Thursday!"  This is my 100th post about things I like/love/or just plain enjoy in life!  Thanks to LeeAnna at Not Afraid of Color for getting us all started on being positive and celebrating the good things.

I love this rustic old whiskey barrel planter in my backyard that just won't quit blooming!

The leaves are falling all around it, but this still looks like summer!  I think these flowers like the unseasonably warm hot summer-like weather we've had for the last few weeks.

I like discovering this white-lined sphinx moth enjoying another pot of flowers that is still blooming.  They come out at dusk, and that's when I am usually out watering everything.  Mike caught this photo with his fancy camera.

I like watching people do a job that I can't do and don't really know anything about!

The tree trimmers were at our house the other day.  You can't see the lettering on the side of their truck, but they call themselves "Plant Health Specialists."  I thought that was a very lofty title!  But I'm definitely glad they care about our trees and keeping them healthy.

They make a lot of noise and a big mess before all is said and done!

A lot of thumps and bumps and clangs and crashes!

This is a tree we planted when our 37 year old son was born!  It's pretty special to me.

They left us this cool slice off of one of the big branches.  What should we do with it?

And in the sewing room this week, I'm enjoying making slow, but steady progress stitching my Happy Bird blocks together into a quilt top.  This will be a fun quilt!

And before I go, I wanted to say thank you to everyone who left good wishes for my MIL!  She is adjusting to her new living situation in the nursing home as well as we can expect, I think, and seems to have some good moments and some not so good ones.  There are many sweet people there to support her, like the kind woman who does everyone's hair, and the nice maintenance man who helped us with her TV remote, and the sweet nurse who helped Mom try on some new clothes that my SIL brought her.  I am truly thankful for this kind of support system to help my MIL and my husband and his sisters navigate all of these changes.

Hope you're having a great week!  Join us over at LeeAnna's place for more "I Like Thursday" posts.


Barb Neiwert said...

I do enjoy reading your I Like Thursday posts! Even though I may not always comment, they bring a smile to my face as you take the time to journal the good in the world around you. Congrats on #100! As for that log cut, you could use it as a plant stand for potted flowers, or lacquer it for use indoors?

Mary in Peoria Handmade said...

Oh how I miss some sweet alysum-it's one of my favorite scents. I would lacquer that log slice-what a nice memory to keep.

Louise said...

Love that moth photo! What a beautiful creature :)

Jan @Cocoa Quilts said...

It was so great they left you a slice of tree. You could make a cute small side table by adding some legs!

LA Paylor said...

It might make a plant stand or table, and aren't limbs enormous when you see them on the ground?

Home Sewn By Us said...

Hi Diann! Oh, what to do with the big slice of your tree?? Hmm, I don't know but I look forward to seeing what you do with it! I'm so glad to hear your MIL is slowly getting comfortable in her new digs. Soon, she will consider it home and think nothing of it. It is difficult to transition for all involved, but it sounds like you have found a great, caring place for her. That certainly makes it easier for everyone involved. ~smile~ Roseanne

PaintedThread said...

Ooh - polish that slice and use it as a trivet or to put under a plant pot. I like that moth and the flowers, too.

Anonymous said...

So lovely to hear that your MIL has such caring people around her. I am grateful every day for the place my mom lives. Although she is still fairly independent, it's so good to know people are watching out for her. I enjoyed your "likes" post. :)

Linda said...

I'm always uplifted reading these posts! You have much joy in your life. :)

Suzanne said...

I like the tree disc they left you. The flowers are really outdoing themselves this year. It is nice to hear good stories of how our Seniors are being treated well.

Shirey Totos said...

You could engrave your sons name in the log slice along with his birth date and a cute poem or some type of saying about him. It could be burned in the wood and then have it varnished and make it a wall plaque. You could give it to him or keep it as a memory for yourself.

Michele McLaughlin said...

Your quilt looks wonderful! So cheerful! I know that it is hard with your MIL right now but she will make the transition. Not sure what to suggest with that neat piece of wood. Let us know what you decide!

Carole @ From My Carolina Home said...

I had several of those kind of wood slices, I varnished them and use them in craft projects and as table centerpiece bases.

Kate said...

That picture of the moth is really cool, the wings look like they are barely there! Enjoy your stitching time this weekend.

Shannon said...

The moth is so cool! I love when insects and spiders sit still long enough for me to get good pictures of them!

Cathy said...

So sorry to read about your MIL, but glad to hear she’s in a good situation now with lots of care and support. It eases the burden for everyone and let’s you concentrate on just spending more quality time with her. That wood slice is special. I agree with the engraving idea for the back of it, then lacquering or varnishing the front to preserve (and eventually pass) it on. Such lovely flowers! Ours are still going gangbusters too!

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

love your flowers, checking in when I can on the phone but hard to leave comments on blogs for some reason - tonight I'm actually on the computer! with real wifi LOL -

MissPat said...

Congratulations on #100 I like post. We've had very little leaf color change so far here in western NY, but it hasn't really been cool enough yet. We did go from 92° yesterday (a record) to 62° today and cooler temps are forecast next week so the change is coming. Hope your MIL continues to adapt to her new home.


Angie in SoCal said...

That barrel planter is lovely with those flowers. Never saw that kind of moth before. That is a fun bird quilt for sure. Blessings,