Little Penguin Quilts Through the Year

Little Penguin Quilts Through the Year

Wednesday, September 25, 2024

I Like Thursday #407

Autumn seems to have arrived in our neck of the woods!  The leaves are already turning. (Although I have to say, afternoon highs of upper 80s are not very fall-like, but I am enjoying the cool mornings!)

LeeAnna asks - what is our favorite fall scent?  Mine is the scent you get while crunching through a pile of fallen leaves - kind of spicy, earthy - do you know what I mean?  I have had a couple of pumpkin spice lattes over the years and, of course, delicious spiced cider, but my favorite pumpkin or apple scent is the baking kind - pumpkin bread, apple pie, lots of cinnamon!  Yum! 

Or how about a peach pie?  My thoughtful sister brought one over to me yesterday afternoon - right out of the oven!  Definitely yummy!

I've been enjoying this book this week, recommended by Nann at With Strings Attached.  It's so enjoyable to read all kinds of interesting things about our national parks, from history to animals to architecture.  And if you hunt a little bit on YouTube, you can find the author's clips from the CBS Sunday Morning TV show where he shares his year of visiting all the national parks.

Thanks for the recommendation,

Hope you're having a great week!  Joining in with I Like Thursday at Not Afraid of Color.

12 comments: said...

I like the smell of baking apples too. . .in pies and crisps especially although cakes are on the "list" too! Looks like a great read. Thanks for sharing!

Linda said...

That pie looks delicious! Did it make you feel any better?
I love all those fall baking scents too - cinnamon and nutmeg. It is time to make some pumpkin bread.
We have very few trees on our block, mostly Bradford pear trees and crape myrtles. It makes for less work in the fall, but I miss walking through crunchy leaves.

Libby in TN said...

Hope you are feeling better. I need to get my shots soon!

grammajudyb said...

Oh! Wonderful gift of homemade peace pie! I like baking smells too. But with this recent hot weather, I’m reluctant to turn on the oven! I’ll add that book to my list. My book club is reading CJ Box’s Stone Cold. I’m enjoying it. Hope you are feeling better every day!

Angela said...

Yes, to pumpkin bread! The fall leaves look so beautiful against the blue sky in that photo!


talking about 'peach' pie--When I was in high school and in the 4-H club--I picked peach pie for my demonstration--well--I can't tell you how many pies my family ate or how many I baked--but it was alot!!! I love a fresh homemade apple pie and pumpkin pie and love to smell them in the oven--but haven't baked either on in a very long time--hummm????
hugs, di

Jeanna said...

That was very nice of your sister to bring you a hot peach pie. YUM! As you know, I love to bake but I can't remember ever making pumpkin bread. I must search through my recipes to what I can find. Hope you are feeling much better!

Melisa- pinkernpunkinquilting said...

Happy Thursday, Diann. It is beginning to look like fall in your neck of the woods. The colors of the leaves are so pretty. Aaah what a sweet sister to bring a peach pie for you both to enjoy. It looks yummy! I love the smell of fresh baked apples and pumpkins this time of the year. Yesterday I found a pumpkin bread candle in the store and just had to have it. It smells so yummy. Have a wonderful afternoon. Hugs

MissPat said...

Nothing quite like a fresh peach pie, one of my favorites. I don't know if you are on Instagram, but the National Park Service has a very entertaining account, highlighting the different parks, giving safety tips in a humorous manner and using lots of references to popular culture. It's one of the best account on IG. Great photos, too.

Angie said...

Diann - my answer also included the aroma of leaves - we were spot on with that one!!! Thanks for the book mention - I love National Parks, so this is right up my alley! Joining you from I Like Thursday!

PaintedThread said...

Mmm... peach pie! Do you get Netflix? Have you tried out Monsieur Spade?

Kate said...

Our highs have stayed in the high 80's to low 90's so it still feels like summer here, though the mornings have been cooler. It's so dry here the leaves are turning brown, it's going to be a dull display this fall. The peach pie looks yummy, hopefully you got more than 1 piece.