Little Penguin Quilts Through the Year

Little Penguin Quilts Through the Year

Saturday, August 31, 2024

Slow stitching this week...

I love sunflowers!  

Along the road

And growing in my garden, too - 

So, I'm sure it's no surprise to you that I enjoy stitching sunflower designs, too.  This week, I finished up the August Year of Hearts block from Melisa at PinkernPunkin Quilting.  

Since it's September 1st today (and how is that possible?!) it's time to work on the monthly Woven Wreaths design from Kathy Schmitz.  Looks like we'll be stitching up some oak leaves and acorns!

This afternoon I'll watch Kathy's video with tips for stitching,
and then I'll spend some slow stitching time working on it.

Linking with Kathy and the slow stitches at Kathy's Quilts!



Anonymous said...

Last comment from Gail at the cozy quilter

Anonymous said...

My original comment disappeared! I love sunflowers too! Will all the heart embroideries become a quilt one day? I suspect pumpkin stitching will start soon! Gail at the cozy quilter.

Vicki in MN said...

Sunflowers are such happy flowers! I am getting anxious to decorate with fall stuff.

Linda said...

Love those photos, and your sunflower stitching is so cute. Make such a nice display!

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

I love fall for the cooler dryer temperatures I'm tired of heat and humidity

Kate said...

It's hard not to smile when I see sunflowers. They are just really happy flowers. Enjoy your slow stitching today.

Susie H said...

I've always loved sunflowers too. Driving through Kansas on my way to my sister's (when she lived in Colorado) and seeing fields and fields of sunflowers! I really enjoyed seeing yours too this morning. I also enjoyed seeing my neighbor's sky-high ones again this morning. She has so many blooming right now and they are higher than the top of her front porch!

Deb A said...

Such a cheerful flower! Enjoy your Sunday.

CathieJ said...

That August Sunflower heart is very pretty. Enjoy your stitching!

Carole @ From My Carolina Home said...

Sunflowers are not one of my favorites, but the appearance of them means fall is on the way, and I love fall! said...

Sunflowers are such a happy flower and they make such a statement! I like your stitchery flowers very much!

PaintedThread said...

Pretty sunflowers!

Melisa- pinkernpunkinquilting said...

Oooh such a sunny happy post, Diann. I love sunflowers too . It is a delight to see your sunflower display. I can not thank you enough for stitching my humble little blooms. Love your Kathy Schmitz piece. It is looking awesome. Happy stitching.

Jeanna said...

I love sunflowers, too! Your stitching is so pretty, Diann. I can only make Xs but would love to embroider someday. I enjoy seeing your Year of Hearts blocks as well as Woven Wreaths.