Little Penguin Quilts Through the Year

Little Penguin Quilts Through the Year

Saturday, June 15, 2024

Year of Hearts stitching

Friday night I just had one more buzzing bee to stitch on the June heart.  So that didn't take too long to finish up!

I'm all caught up on these now - aren't they cute?!  Apparently, one of my background fabrics is more cream colored than white, but I sure didn't realize that when I chose it.  

I'll have to figure out how to deal with that 
when I decide how to put these all together into a top.  

Meanwhile, Melisa released a bonus heart block for us this month!  That means my job for Sunday slow stitching will be to get this traced so that I can start stitching on it.

You can see Melisa's block HERE

Linking up with Kathy and the Slow Stitchers


Kate said...

Your heart blocks are so pretty! If you sash the blocks, maybe the ivory block won't be so noticable? Happy slow stitching today. said...

You souls add a few more blocks with the ivory-like background and then it would seem planned. All of your hearts together look terrific!

Carole @ From My Carolina Home said...

So sweet, those hearts will make a wonderful project.

Anonymous said...

Lovely heart embroideries! So pretty and I love those bees! Gail at the cozy quilter

Kim said...

All your hearts are gorgeous, Diann! Those little bees are so sweet.

Linda said...

Your blocks are so pretty together! I like the cream colored one, doesn't seem out of place at all to me.
Years ago I was doing the Farm Girl Vintage quilt and did not know what I was doing and did not plan the backgrounds for those little blocks, at all. They were varied, and I once I realized what was going on, I thought they looked awful together. I never pieced the quilt together because of that. Then I pulled them all out a few months ago, and now I think they look wonderful with all those different backgrounds. Or maybe my thinking has just changed - lol!

Angela said...

Oh, your blocks look so pretty together!

Vicki in MN said...

Your blocks are gorgeous! How about adding a few cream backgrounds in the upcoming blocks. Happy stitching:)

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

love the embroidery looks calming and relaxing to do.

Karrin Hurd said...

Beautiful heart blocks!

Susie H said...

Good job, Diann! I'm loving your project. That Melissa is so talented and generous.

Melisa- pinkernpunkinquilting said...

A Buzzy Garden is gorgeous ,Diann and I love seeing all of your hearts together. Thank you so much for stitching along with me. You brought a big smile to my day. Enjoy your day stitching.Hugs.


Love your bee heart embroidery--and guess what I will be showing in a bit when I do this weeks post??? we seem to often show the same blocks each week--I also finished cross stitching the milk bottle one of Melisa's this week and started on her bowl of ice-cream one!!!
hugs, diane

Sarah said...

Your collection of blocks are so pretty. I'm sure you will figure out how to incorporate your cream block!

grammajudyb said...

I’ve said it before, but love the added coloring in your blocks. Those tiny bees are so cute. Thanks for letting me see you colored the whole body yellow then stitched the stripe over the top! I probably would have done it the hard way! Thank You! It will all work out with the different backgrounds! I had a similar incident a few years ago! In the end, it was all good!!

CathieJ said...

Those blocks are so pretty. I wish I was willing to start another project, but there are just to many currently in the works and on standby. I don't think that cream color background is going to be a problem when the quilt is assembled.

Jeanna said...

Those heart blocks are super sweet. I could easily go down that rabbit hole but I need to finish up some UFOs first. And maybe stop with new cross stitch starts!

Jenny said...

Such pretty embroidered heart blocks.

Laura said...

These blocks are so pretty! The cream colored one is not out of place at all! :)