Little Penguin Quilts Through the Year

Little Penguin Quilts Through the Year

Wednesday, June 19, 2024

I Like Thursday #392

The other day, Mike had an eye appointment on the far east side of town, and I rode along.  While he was getting eyes dilated and looked at, I decided to go for a walk.  I followed a sidewalk along the parking lot and around the corner I came upon this:

I've walked out here before, 
but I didn't realize it was so close to the medical building.

A beautiful spot of nature tucked in between busy highways and retail/office areas.

Chapungu Sculpture Park is home to 80 different stone sculptures from Zimbabwe.  I have enjoyed walking there, but there are also concerts to go to in the summer and a lighting display at Christmas time.  I took pictures of a couple sculptures to share:

The sculptures all have themes of family and Zimbabwean life.


LeeAnna's question of the week is about going to camp in the summer - did we?  And, yes, I did!  I was a Girl Scout for many years of my growing up, and that included various kinds of summer camp - day camp and sleep away camps.  I remember enjoying them and not being too homesick.  Of course I was with friends and busy doing fun things - crafts, hiking, learning about cooking on a campfire, and all the good songs we would sing.  

I couldn't come up with any photos of Girl Scout events except for this one, which is actually a clipping from the newspaper.  One summer we went to Washington, DC!  I recall that we went on a big bus and stayed at a GS camp outside the city.  It felt really grown-up to do something like this.   I think I might have shared this before on the blog, but I can't remember when or why, lol!  So thanks for indulging me if you've seen this before!

⬇️Me, top row, second from left! 1968

Joining in with I Like Thursday at Not Afraid of Color.


Carole @ From My Carolina Home said...

Yes, I went to camp a couple of summers too. Boy, does that bring back some memories!

The Cozy Quilter said...

I was a Girl Guide and also a leader at one time. The sculpture garden looks interesting.

Linda said...

Of course you were a Girl Scout! :D How neat that you had that pretty trail to walk while Mike was at the doctor. If we took a walk at any of our doctors, we would be on the parking lot - lol! Hope you have fun plans for the weekend!

Libby in TN said...

What a lovely place to walk! I, too, went to GS camp, was even a counselor one summer ($40/week salary). Church camp was my favorite because we did folk dances in the evening.

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

that sculpture garden is wonderful. Good way to pass the time waiting. Never went to a camp from school

Jeanna said...

What a treat to have such an interesting place to walk. I was in Girl Scouts as well. We never went to Washington DC but we did get to visit our state capitol and governor's office. I also became a leader for my daughter's troop. Those were some really memorable times.

Angela said...

Love that sculpture park!

Susie H said...

That looked like a great place to stumble across for a walk. Interesting sculptures. said...

What a cool sculpture park! I liked the Girl Scout memory too.

Angie said...

Diann - thanks for visiting my blog! I love the photo of you/the Girl Scouts in DC - a very effective, eye-catching photo. Have a wonderful weekend!

Melisa- pinkernpunkinquilting said...

The park looks like a wonderful place to visit especially while you was waiting. Aaah Girl Scouts- you brought back fond memories. I went to camp one year, but did not spend the night as the other girls did. Now I wish I had. Hope you are having a great weekend, Diann. Hugs.

Kate said...

A walk in the wild is preferrable to sitting in the office. It must not be too warm there yet. I missed out on girl scouts, it sounds like you got a lot out of it.

piecefulwendy said...

What a fun discovery on your walk, and so peaceful. We didn't have Girl Scouts in my area (that I am aware of), but I went to Bible camps each summer. Good memories.