Little Penguin Quilts Through the Year

Little Penguin Quilts Through the Year

Friday, June 7, 2024

Getting started on blue...

I love seagulls!  I know they are scavengers and leave messes, but I find them very entertaining.   This is a favorite photo from one of our trips to the Oregon Coast, taken at Nye Beach by Newport.

So when I found this seagull print in my stash, I knew I had to include it in some blue blocks this month!  Aren't they cute with their hats and boots?!  Like old fishermen! 

It's in the light blue patchwork heart:

And one of the four patches for the alternate chain block, too.

I had already made a dark blue heart block, so now there are seven!

This week I'll finish up the four patch block!

Sharing at SoScrappy for ScrapHappy Saturday.
Melva Loves Scraps for Sew and Tell Monday.


Anonymous said...

Those seagulls are ready for whatever weather comes along! Your heart quilt is growing! Gail at the Cozy Quilter

Carole @ From My Carolina Home said...

What a fun photo with the seagulls all on their own posts, like sentries guarding the sea.

Nann said...

Great gull photo! And here it is the first week of June and you've finished RSC!

Linda said...

Your seagulls fabric is so cute! That is a great photo, I bet you long to return there. Love your blues!

Kate said...

That seagull photo is really cool, wonderful composition! The seagull fabric is fun and it shows up well in the 4 patch. Your heart blocks are fun, those are on my bucket list for when I start trying to reduce the bulk in my scrap bins (need to finish some older projects first).

Vicki in MN said...

When we used to go to the beach in FL we loved feeding the seagulls!
Love your start on blue:)

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

I love how the seagulls line up for a photo. I have noticed they do that when we have visited the gulf coast as well. We do not go often as it is so very humid there! But it is the nearest to us. Love all the blue blocks.

Sara said...

Your sea gull photo is awesome. And the sea gull fabric is adorable - just perfect in that heart block.

grammajudyb said...

When I see photos of seagulls , I always think of Finding Nemo! That’s some of the cutest fabric if seen in a while! It’s always fun to be one step ahead. Think I’ll mix my blues in my blocks this time!

Jenny said...

What a great photo of thise seagulls, all perched in a row. I do admire your pretty heart blocks and the matching alternate blocks, these will make such a pretty quilt.

Chantal said...

Love the seagulls on the posts and your fabric is too cute! Aren't they funny?
They look great in your light blue heart block. Well played. ;^)

Cathy said...

Your hearts are so adorable and the seagull fabric is so dang cute! My brother still hates seagulls - calls them sky rats. Me, I love anything to do with the beach, seagulls and all.

Nancy @ Grace and Peace Quilting said...

Those seagulls your photos!!! 🩷 Haha!!! Great job on working on those blue blocks already! The seagulls fit right in!!! said...

Isn't it crazy when the seagulls arrange themselves that way in your photo? I chuckled over your penguin and seagull print. Of course, you HAD to incorporate it in blocks this month! Those hearts look terrific in every color way!

Jennifer said...

i LOVE your seagull picture! you should get it printed out at shutterfly... would be super cool!

i finished my heart quilt, and did an irish chain variation to complete it and a border. i love how it turned out. i'll share it on my blog soon!

dq said...

Your RSC blocks are very pretty. I get to make blue fish this month.

Chookyblue...... said...

love that photo of the seagulls..........all lined up.....
the RCS blocks are looking good together.......