Monday, June 29, 2020

To-Do Tuesday #44

Good morning, friends! Can you believe it's the last day of June?  This year is flying by in all its strangeness.  Whether we are running around or staying at home, the days go by, don't they?

I'm checking in today with my weekly to-do list and linking up with Roseanne and friends for the To-Do Tuesday linky party at Home Sewn By Us

From last week's list, I finished a couple of things, and made progress on a couple of things.  

Finished - the June Color Challenge Block

Progress on:  the paper-pieced purple project 

and the doll-sized hospital gowns.

So, for this week: 

1.  I really need to finish up the purple project because it has a deadline that's coming right up!

2.  I'll also plan on making more progress on the hospital gowns.  I need the bias binding tape for the neckline/tie, and then they will finish up quickly!

3.  One last item on the list is to sew up the pink row for my rainbow zig zag quilt project.

4.  Oh, and I'm still stitching on the red and white quilt, too.  Until it's finished!

I know where I need to start!  What's on your list this week?


  1. I'm happy for another chance to see your squirrels. I think they are so pretty. I need to remember that color combo. Have a wonderful week Diann!

  2. Your wall is starting to look like mine! Lots of goodness there.

  3. Wait a minute-no embroidery this week?? What was the purple project for?

  4. I like that purple and yellow combo well look forward to seeing what that is for

  5. I'm not a purple person but I like that color combo a lot. The block is really pretty, too. Good luck on the squirrels and all!

  6. Loving your projects! The squirrelly projects are so sweet! Have a great day!

  7. Hi Diann! So much great eye candy in this post. Each picture is better than the next one. I just adore the fabric you selected for the hospital gown - how darn cute is that?!! And the purple block - such lusciousness. I really LOVE your two squirrelly projects as well. Thanks for linking up today. ~smile~ Roseanne

  8. So many pretties on parade!
    I'm enough of a purple person that the purple block will have me smiling all day!
    And I can't wait to see those zigzags all come together!

  9. You have such a fun variety of things going on! You're right, once you get the bias tape, those gowns will be done in a snap. The purple project looks like a good one; looking forward to seeing the finish!

  10. Those squirrely projects are so beautiful! Take care, Mary.

  11. You've been moving along with your to do lists. Love that paper pieced project, that deep purple is such a pretty color.
