Friday, July 5, 2024

Getting started with aqua!

My sewing time this week has been all about digging into my aqua stash, and it has been very enjoyable!  I started with the next block for the Pieces of My Life QAL called "Steps to the Altar."

You can read more about that adventure HERE.

While I was working on that block, I also cut pieces and parts for an aqua patchwork heart.  Before too long, that one was sewn together, too!

And four patches were made for the alternate block as well.

I'm up to 16 blocks for this project, and it's starting to look like something!  I've decided I want to make 25 blocks for this quilt so that I can have a heart in each corner.  That means nine more are needed - five hearts and four alternate blocks.

Sharing at SoScrappy for ScrapHappy Saturday.
Melva Loves Scraps for Sew and Tell Monday.


  1. Such pretty aqua scraps in your blocks! Your heart quilt is growing. Gail at the cozy quilter

  2. Lovely plan, the two blocks work so well together, and looks great in the rainbow of colors.

  3. I love all your aquas. Great idea to have a heart in each corner!

  4. I like your aquas!! and the blocks coming together - they look so great - this will be a fun quilt!

  5. love your hearts - I will need to look back and make a list of all the colors I have missed this past 3 months or so that I have taken a break while working on other things and try to catch up this winter.

  6. Oooh, the aquas are a splash of summer! I really like the rainbow hearts.

  7. The hearts are sure coming together nicely.

  8. Gosh your aqua scraps stitched up beautifully!

  9. Love the combo of heart blocks and alternate blocks. So scrappy, yet very cohesive.

  10. Still loving those hearts with the Irish Chain blocks between. Super cute!

  11. Ohhh, great job, Diann!! I’ve got my aquas pulled but no stitching yet! ~ Nancy @ Grace and Peace Quilting

  12. Aqua is a favorite color of of course I love the aqua heart and alternate block. It's going to be a spectacular quilt!

  13. Looks like you've really made a good start on this month's aqua. Good job! I like the idea of making more blocks to get hearts in the all the corners. More balanced.

  14. You have a nice selection of aqua fabrics, Diann. This is going to be a beautiful quilt.

  15. Beautiful aqua blocks! I love how you made the heart and alternate blocks each month, and let the quilt "tell" you how to finish it. It will be lovely!

  16. Oooh your heart blocks look amazing, Diann and love the alternate blocks that you have chosen. This is going to be an amazing quilt. Hugs.
