Friday, May 31, 2024

Ending May, Beginning June

The end of May took me by surprise this year!   Where did the month go?  Maybe I say that every month - the days and weeks sure seem to go by fast!   I finished out May in my sewing room by completing the monthly Table Scraps Challenge that I always participate in.  This is hosted by The Joyful Quilter - check out more fun small, scrappy projects at the link.

This month our challenge was to make something with pink scraps with a theme of the Kentucky Derby.  Okay - pink I've got covered.  The Kentucky Derby - ???  I started with one last orphan block from the 2020 Color Challenge that never got used up.

This is pink - very pink - too much pink for me!

So I decided to cut the 12.5 inch square into smaller squares, like this:

To connect with those pretty yellow birds (remember those birds - they're important later in the post!) in the pink print, I decided to add some yellow strips to these squares, and came up with this design:

A little more yellow, some quilting and binding, and voila!

This measures 12 x 16, so fits perfectly right here!

So this contains plenty of pink, but what about the Kentucky Derby?
Well, I googled "birds at the Kentucky Derby" (remember the birds in the pink print?) and came up with a horse named Mine that Bird who won the race in 2009, who has a great story.  You can read about it here:
I know, it's a bit of a stretch, but it's my story and I'm sticking to it!  😜

To begin June, I got out my light blue scraps and started cutting squares and making HSTs for a light blue patchwork heart.  More on that next week!

Sharing at Joyful Quilter's May Table Scraps link-up 
And at SoScrappy for ScrapHappy Saturday.


  1. That is a super cute table topper, Diann. I think you did a great (and clever) job of meeting the challenge of tieing in the Kentucky Derby.

  2. Not a reach at all! Perfect tie in and I love the yellow and pink together. So cheerful. Pretty blues to play with in June.

  3. so pretty and clever design

  4. Your table scrap piece looks great and a great horse story!

  5. What a great looking topper - I like how you transformed that block.

  6. Darling little quilt, Diann. So cute and creative in how you designed this quilt. And what a fabulous story; thank you for sharing the link to the story and video.

  7. Super cute table mat and a great way to meet the challenge, Diann!

  8. That was masterful, taking your "too pink for me" and adding yellow! It is really pretty. I love your tie-in to Mine That Bird. I just read the article and watched the video and got chills and tears in my eyes - what a great story!

  9. LOL, I love how you connected the Kentucky Derby to your cute pink topper-you really put your thinking cap on!

  10. that is a pretty table mat. I agree the months are flying by

  11. Pink and yellow look so good together! Great choices.

  12. Your quilt, your rules. I like your "bird" tie in to the Derby. You've got some pretty blue scraps pulled out for this month. Happy sttiching with blue in June (I'm with you, where does the time go? We'll be half way through the year at the end of this month!)

  13. LOL -- you met the challenge, for sure! How clever to come up with that name.

  14. Oh my, that pink and yellow table topper is the cutest thing I’ve ever seen! The balance of pink and yellow is perfect. And the birds… perfection! I was on a pink kick in more than one way in May. I got a new iPad in pink and bought a bright pink cover for it. It may eventually be Pink Overload, but for now I’m loving it!

  15. Something must have happened to the space time continuum in May, it sped by so fast! Great job on the table runner, birds and all. I grew up in Louisville and loved Derby Day, we always had a party at home. This year I forgot to turn on the TV and missed the race! I'm blaming that time thing.

  16. Beautiful with the yellow tones. I like little blankets like this.
    Great work :-)))
    Many greetings to you from overseas.

  17. It was a "long stretch" and coming from "far behind" but you "crossed the finish line by a neck length " beautifully. Bravo! You won the roses. The yellow is a great addition. Enjoy! ;^)

  18. Great idea adding yellow to the pink. It turned out so pretty and cheerful. Perfect summer table topper. Pretty light blues.

  19. LOL I love your Kentucky Derby inspiration story for this table topper. I think it looks lovely and very cheerful on your side table.

  20. Love your tie-in Diann. Thanks for the link to the story, wish we were told where the unusual name for the horse came from.
    Jane in Australia
