Wednesday, May 29, 2024

I Like Thursday #389

Over the Memorial Day weekend, we had a chance to go to our favorite park where we can see the yellow-headed blackbirds.  It's a yearly quest for us, so I've posted photos of them many times, but they are such beautiful birds that I can't resist.  Besides, it's almost like they're posing for us!

This time of year, they are nesting in the reeds, and the males make quite a distinctive noise to let you know this is their territory!

And, then, as often happens when you are birdwatching, some other people came along and said "if you really want to see some birds," go to another reservoir on the other side of town.  And, of course, we had to go!  This was a place with lots of water birds, and the Avocets were nesting there.  Fun to see!

I finished stitching my latest berry design from Melisa.  This was such a fun one!  It reminds me of my daily bowl of breakfast cereal with strawberries on it.  Yum!

I've been reading this book - almost done with it.  This is the June book for my book club discussion.  It's a good one - we'll have lots to talk about!

The first ladies are Eleanor Roosevelt and Mary McLeod Bethune, who I knew nothing about.  But they were friends and accomplished a lot together!

LeeAnna's question of the week is about wearing white only after Memorial Day - do we stick to that rule?  And my answer is that I don't own anything white, lol!  I'm a terrible spiller, and will inevitably get something on myself, especially if I'm wearing something white.  But I did catch our cute weather person wearing a pretty white dress on Monday, which was Memorial Day.  I think she brought out her white dress just to celebrate the unofficial start of summer!

And it has felt like summer around here this week - shorts and flip flop weather!
I like that!

Joining in with I Like Thursday at Not Afraid of Color.


  1. I love when you post photos of your birds because we don't have either of them here. It's fun to see what wildlife people have in their community! I don't wear white either (same reason). I'm intrigued by your book now. Would you recommend it?

  2. We have a beautiful read-headed woodpecker that visits our feeder. Also red-winged blackbird. Both are really too big for the feeder, but they've figured out how to get some seed. Our goldfinches have been stunning this year.

  3. Very fun bird photos. Your new strawberry stitching looks really pretty, love the crisp white with reds and blues. I remember when I was little the rule was no white shoes till Easter, and only black shoes after Labor Day. Those are rules I'm glad that have gone by the wayside.

  4. Your bird photos and adventures are so fun, and I really enjoy your information and tidbits about them! I bought a little arbor and positioned it right outside my sewing room window, added a bird feeder and some plants around it, and the cardinals have been quite attracted to it! I'm excited. :D There aren't many folks who would look as pretty in white as that pretty girl does!

  5. I grew up with the 'white after Easter and done on Labor Day' philosophy. To this day I just cannot put on white shoes before Easter, no matter how late it comes in the year or hot it is outside.

  6. Love that yellow headed blackbird, keep posting them! A few weeks ago we had lots of birds visiting the feeder and now it has come to a snails pace with just a few:( I just finished my breakfast which had strawberries in it, LOL.

  7. love that bird and I will see if I can find that book

  8. We like to watch/see birds too. Love your pictures and we had never heard of an avocet. He looks like a cross between a red-headed woodpecker and a plover. Thanks for sharing your likes this week!

  9. The yellow headed blackbird did look like a pose for a photo shoot! Cute finish of your milk bottle doodle from Melisa. I added your book to my reading list. If you liked that author, read "The Personal Librarian." Our book club read that book a couple years ago. It was an interesting story.

  10. Avocets are such cool birds, and you got a good photo! That little stitchery is a cutie. I'm like you, I don't wear white, because I spill so much!

  11. I am bad at spilling too! I am glad to say I have managed to keep my capris white for a number years though! Amazing really.

  12. Those blackbirds are stunning. I own very few white things - they're usually a gift to me by someone who is neater than I am. LOL. White turtlenecks are safe because they're under something else. :-)

  13. Thank you for sharing your photos of the birds. We enjoy birdwatching too. European Avocets are striking monochrome birds. The Avocet is the symbol of The Royal Society for the Protection of Birds (a big conservation charity here in the UK).

  14. That is a pretty bird with the striking yellow head. I've been seeing and hearing so many cardinals on my walks lately. I never have my phone with me to catch a photo though! Love the berry stamp. I'm a spiller as well.... never fails a new shirt and a drop of salad dressing with oil right onto the top! Every single time! Have a great weekend.

  15. Those are some great photos of the birds, Diann. I have never seen a yellow headed blackbird- such a treat. Your latest stamp is darling! Thank you from the bottom of my heart for stitching it. You made my day. Hugs.
