Monday, August 28, 2023

To-Do Tuesday #195

Good morning, friends!  It's To-Do Tuesday and time to share my progress on last week's list and then see what's next.   I shared last week that I had been distracted by a squirrel project, and that turned out to be a good thing because once I got that out of my system, I made progress on several other things as well!

The "Drop Everything and Make It" project was a journal cover made with a quilt-as-you-go technique using a piece of embroidery I finished earlier this year.  Read more about it here.

Finishing that little project must have given me a burst of energy because I also finished ScrapDance Quadrille - quilting, binding, and all!

This one deserves its own post, so I'll put that on this week's list - 
take photos and write it up.

The other two small projects made progress, too - placemats for my niece are quilted and need binding and the cradle quilt for Carole's donation drive is a top.

It's been an enjoyable and productive week in my sewing nook!

So... on the list for next week:
  • Photograph and write a post for ScrapDance Quadrille.
  • Get binding made and sewn on to the placemats.
  • Find a backing for the little cradle quilt and work on quilting it.
  • Get started on aqua blocks for September's Rainbow Scrap Challenge color.
I think those items will keep me busy!  Linking up with Carol at Quilt Schmilt for To-Do Tuesday.  And at Quiltfabrication for Midweek Makers!  


  1. Can't wait to see your Quadrille! Thank you for doing some cradle quilts too.

  2. sounds like you have a busy week planned for your projects. I rarely ever have a "squirrel" project just long term ones

  3. Hi Diann! I hope you are doing well. I love seeing your last line - It's been an enjoyable and productive week in your sewing nook. I wish you the same for this week and for all of your readers (me, too, please!). {{Hugs}} a bunch ~smile~ Roseanne

  4. You really did have a productive week! Me, not so much! 😂 I’m determined to do better this week! I’ve really wanted to do the cradle quilts, and still will keep it on my to-do list. I must get my projects bound for our upcoming quilt show, first weekend in October! Hope your week goes well again!

  5. Just love your journal cover and the embroidery incorporated into it, what a pleasure it will be to use it.

  6. Oh wow you did have a great week! I do think squirrels help us reset:)

  7. What a fun Squirrel! I'll have to follow the link. Looks like you did some coloring Looks so nice! You had a nice week of sewing, quilting!

  8. You were very productive last week. Hope the creativity continues. I look forward to your Quadrille post.

  9. Doesn't it feel great to look back and take stock of what you accomplished? Your finishes and progresses are terrific!

  10. Wow, Diann, you had another busy week! Your journal is darling as do all of your projects. I look forward to seeing Square Dance in all its glory. Hope you are having a fabulous week. Hugs.

  11. It's taken me a while to realize that sometimes you've just got to follow that squirrel. Then when it's done, the stuff you were working on looks so much more fun.
