Saturday, August 26, 2023

QAYG Journal Cover

Ever since I stitched this cozy looking little chair design from Kathy Schmitz back in February I've been trying to decide how to finish it.

I have also - for a long time - wanted to try making a quilted journal cover.   After finding a tutorial for one done with the quilt-as-you-go technique, I took off on a squirrel project and did exactly that - made a quilt-as-you-go journal cover featuring that cozy reading chair on the front!   The tutorial I used is found here at Scrap Fabric Love.

The tutorial has you sew scraps onto a piece of batting cut 2 inches larger than the height and width of your journal, and mine measured 16 inches (edge of front cover to edge of back cover) by 9 and 5/8 inches.   One learning experience part of this project was that by making the qayg panel two inches larger than the the journal measurement, and then trimming it to only one inch larger, I lost quite a bit of the brown dot print I sewed along the outer edge of the panel.

That little bit of brown with white dots that you can see along the back edge is all that's left of the 2 inch strips that I started with!   When I make another journal cover, I plan to organize my quilt-as-you-go strips a little differently.

I am definitely happy, though, with how the embroidered piece is featured on the front of the journal cover!

The inside flaps that hold the cover in place are a great place to stash important papers.

The whole project only took a couple hours - one to make the qayg panel and the other to add the lining and cover flaps.  It's not much different than making a tote bag, really - you just don't sew the sides up!  I'll definitely make more of these, and I think they would make fun gifts, too!

After I got that squirrel project out of my system, I was able to get back to one of my longer term projects - finishing up Scrap Dance Quadrille.  Today's slow stitching will be hand sewing the binding down.  My favorite slow stitching to do!

Have a wonderful Sunday!
Sharing at Kathy's Quilts for Slow Sunday Stitching and at 


  1. What a terrific journal cover! Your embroidery was perfect for this projects! I've not made a journal cover. My squirrel might be tempted though!

  2. Your journal cover looks great! I have never made a book cover--it would make a wonderful gift...hmm...
    I love your backing fabric--can't wait to see your finished quilt. Hand sewing the binding is one of my favourite tasks too.

  3. Sweet! Your stitchery is lovely and what a great way to show it off.

  4. YAY, so glad you were able to squirrel away some time for this great project! I have made a couple overs years ago, some are for 3 ring binders and one is for paper back books(not sure where that one went).

  5. Great way to showcase that stitchery, perfect for a journal cover. LOL, I had to laugh at your comment of getting a squirrel project out of your system, what a perfect way to describe that feeling!

  6. I made a journal cover years ago and I don't have the slightest idea what ever happened to it - I thought about it when I was reading your post - what happened to it? Love yours

  7. That looks like a really fun project and the perfect place to put that stitchery. Enjoy your Sunday.

  8. That is a great way to use Cozy Up. You will enjoy it every day. Enjoy stitching the binding on that pretty quilt.

  9. Your journal is such a great way to use that little stitchery, and that little squirrel is a nice break in between those larger projects, right?

  10. Beautiful journal cover to highlight your beautiful stitching! Great finish!

  11. Mmm, such a comfy squishy chair to sink into while enjoying hand stitching time. You made a wonderful job of the journal cover.

  12. I've made journal covers that were well received at a retreat. But, I never use the one I have. Must think about using it one of these days. Or maybe I should make one for the quadrile paper I have. Your little chair looks so inviting.

  13. Your journal cover turned out really pretty and looks so neat with your "stuff" tucked inside. I can see that you actually use your journal! :D

  14. Hi Diann! I hope you are doing well. I have several journal cover supplies laid out on my sewing table, so I'm pleased to see your version. Your sweet embroidery really adds a nice touch, and your step-by-step instructions really make things clear. Nice job! I made a few last year to give to some teacher friends when they retired. One was going to write children's books and I thought a journal would be handy to jot down ideas. {{Hugs}} ~smile~ Roseanne

  15. Making journal covers has been on my to-do list for quite a while. Yours turned out well! Love the featured embroidery! Thank you for the tutorial and the tip, too! :)

  16. I love how you used your embroidered piece for a journal cover. The fabrics you selected are perfect, it really came out nice.

  17. Your journal cover turned out beautifully! I think you came up with a great use of the embroidery piece. I'm currently trying to figure out my backing for Quadrille. Good for you to be taking on the last step -- sewing that binding down. I also love that part of quilting.

  18. The journal cover came together beautifully! Definitely lots of possibilities for other fun covers.
