Wednesday, August 30, 2023

I Like Thursday #351

Finally, I have a basket of tomatoes to show!  They took long enough, lol!  I was talking to one of the ladies who lives at my mom's place who evidently used to be quite a gardener, and she was telling me that everyone says the tomatoes have been slow to ripen here this year.

Aren't they pretty?!

Over the weekend we went to one of our favorite trail areas here and went for a hike.  This one cuts through the golf course, so the views are fun for both golfers and hikers!

Younger son wanted to try making yeast bread in his air fryer, and it turned out very nicely!  He had never made bread before, but with just a few tips from mom, he did really well.  We hadn't had any homemade bread in a long time, and it was delicious.  Pretty amazing that it can be baked in the air fryer!

We've been having some storms late in the day recently, and I caught this double rainbow the other day.


Tuesday I put the last stitches in "Needle Love."  I enjoyed stitching this one!   I need to look and see what I have to make a border for it, and then a special place to hang it, too.

It's I Like Thursday over at Not Afraid of Color!
Head over there and check out all the positive posts.


  1. Your embroidery is lovely! Can’t wait to see how you finish it. That is a nice basket of tomatoes. Do you just eat them or do you freeze some or make salsa etc? I’m always up for a hike.

  2. Needle Love turned out beautifully! The rainbow is really cool. I'd just be happy if we'd get some rain, it's cooler, but definitely drier too. Bread in the air fryer? I need to pass that one along to Grad Girl. She bakes bread regularly, but only using the conventional oven.

  3. Your tomatoes are beautiful! You look so fit and cute in your photo. That looks like exactly the kind of trail we used to love to hike. Your son's bread looks fantastic. I'm going to Google air fryer bread!

  4. the bread looks good - it must be very different right now having one of your sons live with you again after so long having an empty nest! A trail that cuts through the golf course that sounds different! Finally tomatoes that just sounds so odd to know that they are your first ones to pick this summer - mine have been done for several weeks now and I've begun to pull them out

  5. There sure is a lot to like on your blog today. The views from your hike are so pretty and that bread looks delish. Of course, you know I love your embroidery. Hope you have a great weekend ahead.

  6. Your tomatoes look delicious. I didn't even plant any this year, knowing we would be gone at the peak time. Why give the critters around hear any more free food? I see something with "Williamsburg" blue around your beautiful stitchery.

  7. What a pretty view! Congrats on the tomatoes!

  8. Hi Diann! Those tomatoes look yummy. I broke down and brought some just yesterday at a farmer's stand. You can bake bread in an air fryer?!! My mind is blown. How cool is that? It looks delicious and you just can't beat the smell. Your Needle Love piece is so pretty. I love all the different shades of blue. It definitely needs a special place to hang so it can be enjoyed often. {{Hugs}} ~smile~ Roseanne

  9. What?? You can do bread in the air fryer??? nice!!!
    and your tomatoes look great -
    Nice hiking spot - hopefully it was nice an perfect weather

  10. Love a home grown tomato and don't they taste so good.

  11. Yummy Tomatoes! Mine are just starting to turn orange-y! Fingers crossed they get red before frost hits!

    Cool about the air fryer! I still don’t have one! Mr. Busy says we don’t have room! He’s probably right , but everything looks so good, and fast, and easy !

  12. Ooh, those tomatoes look great. Air fryer bread - it looks good.

  13. What a special week you are having! I think I can smell those tomatoes and the air fryer bread! You finished embroidery piece is so sweet! I like the effect the variegated thread gives it!

  14. The homegrown tomatoes look so yummy, Diann as does the bread. How wonderful that your son made this bread for the family to enjoy. Your embroidery looks amazing, Diann. It has been a joy to follow your progress on it. Have a wonderful holiday weekend.

  15. My daughter makes bagels in the air fryer, and are they ever good, so I will have to look into making bread in it. I love the latest stitching, and wow those views from that trail sure are spectacular. Yay for rainbows.

  16. Oh, I love your Needle Love piece. It *almost* makes me want to get back into embroidery! Congrats on those gorgeous tomatoes. Our plants were slow to produce this year, too. And for the first couple weeks, they all split. But now they’re producing beautifully. Tonight: BLTs!
