Monday, July 17, 2023

To-Do Tuesday #189

It was a good idea to keep my to-do list simple last week because I didn't end up having a ton of sewing time, but I did get the two things on the list accomplished!

Quilting on Rainbow Neighbourhood is progressing.  All of the vertical lines of quilting are finished and I've also done the horizontal lines through the center.  A finish is getting closer!

Unfortunately I ran out of thread, 
so I'll need to stock up before I can go any further!

I did take an afternoon off from quilting and sewed up some red zipper blocks for one of my Rainbow Scrap Challenge projects.

Keeping things on the simple side again this week, I'm planning to keep quilting!  So I'll need to go to Joann's and stock up on thread.

I also hope to spend some time with my Scrap Dance Quadrille project.  I have one more block to sew together and then it's time to add borders.  This will end up as a tabletopper, I think measuring about 34 - 36 inches square depending on how many borders I add. 

See Carole's post here for the final steps of the QAL. 

I'll be happy if I can make more progress on both of these!  Hopefully, that's doable.

Joining in with Carol and friends at Quilt Schmilt for To-DoTuesday.



  1. Good progress for sure! I'm loving those zipper blocks, might have to make some of those! Your quilting on the neighborhood looks great but it's a bummer to run out of thread when you are on a roll! Have a great day!

  2. Scrap Dance Quadrille is such a sweet pattern but a lot of work. You were smart to stop at 4 blocks. They will make a lovely table topper.

  3. At least you had some sewing time, I didn't touch a machine all week and I think withdrawals are setting in!

  4. Your Neighbourhood quilt is getting that cozy crinkly look - nice job on the quilting. Those Scrap Dance blocks are so pretty!

  5. I like the colors of your Scrap Dance blocks light and airy

  6. Quilting always takes.more thread than I think it will. Hope you are able to find what you need at JoAnns. Our local JoAnns carries lots of thread for machine embroidery but not much in quilting/ sewing thread. I was going to participate in Quadrille, but just got stopped with all my other UFOs. I did print out the pdfs though! 🙂

  7. THose zipper blocks are really cool!!!

  8. What a bummer to run out of thread! I really like the colors in your Scrap Dance blocks.

  9. Even on the light side, you got some nice crafting done. I've never joined any of Carol's sew alongs but she does such a great job with them.

  10. I need to catch up on posts again, but I love coming to your site and seeing all the happy colors and fun blocks. I'm glad the Rainbow House quilting is going well!

  11. I love your quadrille blocks. Had to go check Carole's and am now a follower, also pinned it. Such a pretty quilt!

  12. I like the colors of your Scrap Dance Quadrille. It sounds like you made quite a bit of progress. Consistent progress forward will get you to the finish line. I've got a quilt ready to bind but I have to tie off some thread first. Hopefully it will be done soon. Hope your houses are too.

  13. Lots of fun and loads of cuteness is coming out of the quilt room this week, Diann. I hope you get your thread real soon so you can continue quilting the neighborhood. Gorgeous quilting design. Have a great week. Hugs.

  14. It is a bummer to run out of thread so close to the finish!
    I love the zipper blocks...this might find its way onto my overgrown to do list! :)

  15. I love the colors in your QAL blocks! They are just perfect.
