Wednesday, July 19, 2023

I Like Thursday #345

Good Thursday morning to all of you, friends!  Hope you're staying cool during these hot summer days.  In Colorado it hasn't been as hot as many places, and our low humidity helps the temps be bearable, but 100 degrees two days in a row is pretty hot!

It has been good reading weather, especially if I sit with the fan blowing right on me!  I finished these two books in just a few days.  They have interesting titles - the "ends" book has to be read before the "starts" book!  

And a small "warning:" spousal abuse is a storyline in these books, but the stories are about so much more than that.  I could handle that because there is a lot of good happening in the books as well.

Experimenting with son's Ninji Foodi again this week - we made banana bread using the air fryer function!  It was yummy!  (And didn't heat the kitchen up, either. 👍)

I have another banana left to use up, so I guess we'd better make another loaf!

A family of red-tailed hawks has taken over our neighborhood this week.  Apparently it was time for the young ones to leave the nest, but judging by all the whiney noise they've been making (starting very early in the morning!) they haven't been too happy about it.
Mike got some great photos of one of them!

I ordered a new embroidery hoop the other day.  The brand is Nurge, and it was recommended by Jo of Jo's Country Junction. I ordered mine from Amazon, here.  There are several different sizes, and it's hard to tell from the Amazon listing what the actual dimensions of the hoops are - I ordered a small, but kind of wish it was still a bit smaller, especially for smaller scraps of cross-stitch cloth.  I'll probably go back and order the extra small size.

The small hoop measures about 6 1/4 x 5 5/8 inches.

I do like the rectangular shape, and this one is working pretty well for a piece of Aida cloth I wanted to use that is about 8 3/4 x 6 1/2 inches.

Hope you're having a great week!

Joining in with I Like Thursday at Not Afraid of Color.  


  1. Great hawk photos! Let us know how you like your new embroidery hoop; I find the round ones very limiting, especially the small ones.

  2. We had a hawk in our neighborhood too this week. Very unusual, or at least I’d not seen one. We have lots of Eurasian doves, making “Hoo Hoo” sounds.,just a hint. If the Aida starts to fray from being in the hoop, you can zigzag the edge, or use linen tape, or fray check, or sew a strip of scrap fabric. I’ve even seen some stitchers use blue painters tape folded over the “short “ edge. I think I like the new cross stitch start! From Melisa?

  3. I've read It Ends with Us and waiting to read It Starts with Us. Colleen Hoover just kills me with her plot twists! Have you read Verity? I've gotten mixed reviews about the Nurge hoop so I'm interested in what you think. The banana bread sounds delish and BONUS, you can get good tasting bread without using the big oven.

  4. We too have hawks that come by from time to time. While up north we saw a family of 7 Eagles, so very cool! What was the number of the red varigeated thread you use?

  5. love your hawks, we have a pair but I do not see them often right now. They used to swoop in and sit on the deck railing now and then.
    I will check on those books and see if the library has them listed. Seeing your bread reminds me I can do some baking in the Instant Pot I don't know about banana bread though.

  6. Wow that is a great hawk photo. I have been doing a little bit of "reading" while working around the house. My insta pot has an air fryer setting, and it seems to be in constant use here, fries, chicken strips....chicken nuggies.

  7. What a cool way to make bread. It looks tasty. Baby raptors can be amazingly loud! lol

  8. The banana bread looks so yummy, Diann. It has been ages since I have had some myself. I bet it doesn't heat up the kitchen as much as the oven does as well. Fabulous photo of the red hawk. Enjoy your new hoop and happy stitching.

  9. Yum banana bread - looks delish! The Ninji Foodi looks pretty keen. Enjoy your Nurge! Those hawk photos are magnificent, but I'm sure you are thinking of other words to use when they wake you early in the morning. ;)

  10. All babies, no matter the species, squawk when pushed out of "the nest" Lol! Happy Thursday to you!
