Monday, July 3, 2023

Happy 4th of July!

 and a few to-dos... for To-Do Tuesday #187

Today's to-dos include taking my mom out for an ice cream cone, having hotdogs and potato salad for supper out on the back porch, and walking down to our city park to watch the fireworks.  My favorite way to spend this holiday!

Meanwhile, in the sewing room... I did manage to get Rainbow Neighbourhood sandwiched and spray basted so that I can get started on quilting it.  That feels like a big accomplishment!

I also continued making leaf blocks for Positivity and another block for Scrap Dance Quadrille.  See my post about those projects here

*Those two projects will stay on my list this week, but I'm going to try to stay focused on quilting Rainbow Neighbourhood.  

*The color of the month for the Rainbow Scrap Challenge for July is red, so playing with red scraps is also on the list.  Since my sewing machine will be used for quilting this week, I've prepped some red pieces for hand-piecing the bowtie blocks I've been working on throughout the year, and will include them in my evening slow stitching.

Have a great week, everyone!
Linking up with Carol and friends at Quilt Schmilt for To-DoTuesday.


  1. Will you be hand quilting your house quilt? It looks wonderful! I have been away for a month and need to get caught up on my RSC projects for June and July! Have a great day celebrating the 4th! Gail at the Cozy Quilter.

  2. Looking good in the neighborhood! Happy 4th!

  3. How appropriate to be sewing red for July;)

  4. That sounds like fun being able to walk to see fireworks! We had the hot dogs over the weekend, so some kind of meat with corn on the cob today! The potato salad sounds good. Have fun with your Mom and getting ice cream cones. :)

  5. that is nice to walk to the fire works. The last several years the neighbors across the road from us shot off a very nice display of fireworks in their back yard which shot up above their house giving me a perfect view from my front porch so I sit out there and watch them.

  6. Happy 4th to you! I had the hot dogs, potato salad and ice cream yesterday! It will be great!!

  7. That actually sounds like the perfect way to spend the holiday. Your rainbow neighborhood is pretty special and will be even better once it's quilted. You reminded me that I need to get caught up on the RSC!

  8. Sounds like a great day. Good luck with your stitching time this week.

  9. Potato salad for us, too, and BBQ pork and slaw. Neighbors shot off firecrackers all evening long. The reds are looking good!

  10. Aw good for you for taking Mom out! Hope you had a good holiday and kudos for getting the houses layered up! Good luck on the quilting!

  11. I hope you and your Mom enjoyed the ice cream and had a nice outing. You've got some nice looking reds to work with for this month's RSC.

  12. That sounds like a perfect day! Enjoy your week.

  13. We spent Canada Day much the same way. We had extreme heat and a tornado warning so many events got cancelled. That was a first in history here. SO enjoy seeing your Rainbow Neighbourhood, Diann. SO beautifully sewn. I love bow ties and they are on my list for a sometime quilt. Happy Stitching!
