Saturday, July 1, 2023

A little cross-stitching...

 After the lemons were stitched last week...

instead of tracing another embroidery design, I decided to do a little cross-stitching.  Melisa so generously shares her little designs that are fun and easy for me to stitch, so I thought, "Why not!"  This is Melisa's Summer Stamp.  I love sunflowers - they really say summer to me!

Previously, I have stitched three of her Spring Stamps from the SAL, and I just finished up two of them.

I decided I would try to fill up this wooden bowl with little cross-stitched pillows.  Three isn't really enough, so right now they're propped up by some pincushions.  But it will be fun stitching up more little designs.

Next I want to do this one.  Perfect for 4th of July week!  Linking up with Kathy and the Slow Stitchers over at Kathy's Quilts.


  1. Hi Diann,
    Lovely to see your cross stitch. I’m really addicted to Melissa’s patterns so I was excited to see that you are stitching them too.
    I haven’t been blogging this year, just so little time and it felt wrong somehow after my mum passing this year but I have still been stitching and you might have seen some of Melissa’s dear patterns on my Instagram account. I feel I’m still keeping in touch with some of my blogging friends over on Insta, and one day I might get time to return to blogging.
    I love your growing bowl of stitched pieces, and maybe when I finally finish (and actually keep some of my stitching) I’ll do this too!
    Hugs and smiles from Barbara xxx

  2. Wonderful cross stitch! That's a bowl of lovelies and the truck pattern is adorable! Sending you hugs!

  3. So fun to fill a bowl with little cross stitch pillows! The sunflowers are a perfect summer project I love the lemonade embroidery too. Gail at the Cozy Quilter.

  4. Your cross stitch pillows are perfect for the wooden bowl!

  5. These are so sweet! Isn't Melissa is a very talented lady. Nice embroidery too!

  6. Great little bowl fillers! I cannot do cross stitch anymore.

  7. Itty bitty! Those cross stitches are adorable.

  8. Your stitching is beautiful!

  9. I adore Melissa's patterns ... she's so prolific and SO GENEROUS with her talents! These summer stamps are darling! And you know I enjoy bowl fillers ... yours' look terrific! :)

  10. Yea for "bowlies". I am on the lookout for a similar bowl or tray. Something with a little design panache! Right now I'm using a gold-ish plate charger from the dollar store!! Not really my style!

    I've been lax in reading all blogs and missed Melisa's Summer Stamp! So thanks for the heads up! Do love your Lemonade stitch too!!

  11. Aaah Diann, I am beaming after seeing all of your beautiful work. I am so honored. I love your When Life Gives You Lemons. Your floss colors are so perfect. And your stamps are gorgeous. I love the bowl filled with them. I want to do the same thing. Thank you for bringing a smile to my day and for being so kind and supportive. Hugs.

  12. Total swoon over your tiny little pillows - I must try to make some since seeing them makes me so happy! And I must start looking for a bowl to fill with pillows! LOL
    Enjoy your hand stitching!

  13. such cute little stitches! pin cushions?

  14. Your pretty little cross stitch pieces look right at home in the wooden bowl. Let's see what other designs you stitch to keep them company.

  15. I love those pillows! Melisa's patterns are so cute and so generously shared by her. Love the blue birds too.

  16. Your embroidery is so pretty. I love your little pillows. Melisa is so sweet and generous with her designs. Your bowl will be full in no time.

  17. Such cute summer projects! I read about downloading cross stitch patterns to our phones on Kathy’s Quilts, our hostess. Perhaps we can enlarge the patterns to see them? I plan to research this so I can get back into cross stitching.
    Your projects tickly my fingers!
